03 July 2024
Putting the Record Straight About the SpitzenkandidatenÂ
In the last few weeks, a great deal of nonsense has been said about the concept of the Spitzenkandidat. Some accuse the European Parliament of a power grab, subrogating the lawful role of the European Council in choosing the new Commission President. Others trivialise the role of the Parliament and doubt the democratic credentials of the process. Many believe that the candidate must always be drawn from the largest party come what may. All these assertions are wrong. The election of the Commission President is a joint endeavour between Parliament and Commission, democratically legitimate, and fully in conformity with EU law.  Continue reading >>
03 April 2024
The Spitzenkandidaten Practice in the Spotlight
Ten years have lapsed since the first successful attempt to launch the Spitzenkandidaten practice in 2014. With the European political parties midway through selecting their lead candidates once again, the upcoming European elections raise questions about the constitutional nature of this informal practice. The following comment aims to enquire what consequences, given the evolving dynamics of the practice, can be attached to a potential failure to designate a Spitzenkandidat. In particular, I argue that only if the SK process evolves into a constitutional customary rule, it is possible to conceive a duty upon the European Council to consider appointing the leading candidate from the party winning the elections of the European Parliament. Continue reading >>
06 July 2023
Reform the European Union for Enlargement!
External shocks such as the financial and migration crises, the Coronavirus pandemic, as well as internal and external security threats from terrorism as well as Russia's war against Ukraine emphasise that the EU, which has developed to be more heterogeneous, has become increasingly fragile. In line with a reduced willingness and ability of Member States to integrate further, the EU is becoming incapable of action and therefore is in danger of losing the trust of its citizens. Against this background, it is important not to gloss over the problems and to develop constructive solutions. This blogpost offers several possible solutions. Continue reading >>12 April 2023
Wie die EU durch das Spitzenkandidatensystem ihre illiberalen Regime in Ungarn und Polen bekämpfen könnte
Die Europäische Union scheint unfähig zu sein, gegen die illiberalen Regime in Polen und Ungarn erfolgreich vorzugehen. Dabei hält sich der Irrglaube, dass die EU keine rechtlichen Mittel zur Verfügung habe, um gegen diese undemokratischen Staaten anzukämpfen. Dies ist nicht der Fall. Die EU hat und hatte schon immer die nötigen Mittel zur Hand, die jedoch auch tatsächlich genutzt werden müssten. Der notwendige Schritt, um dies zu garantieren, ist so einfach wie wirksam. Die EU muss das Spitzenkandidatensystem für die Europäische Kommission wiedereinsetzen. Continue reading >>
16 August 2022