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02 April 2024

Colonialism, Criminal Law, and the Dustbin of History

In a ruling that is important beyond Kenya, the Kenyan High Court has delivered a milestone judgment. By striking down a provision of the Kenyan Criminal Code on subversion, the Court takes a significant step towards further doing away with the colonial legacy in the Kenyan legal system. The judgment exemplifies how judges in postcolonial contexts interpret the law against the backdrop of the country’s history. Continue reading >>
15 November 2022

Teaching Law in Times of Overlapping Crises

For decades, we – legal scholars and teachers – have helped weaken the law by presenting it as ‘lagging behind’, as a feeble and inept tool of government, transferring thus much of its normative power into the hands of the most powerful market actors. We can, and have to, change this. Continue reading >>
27 May 2022

Revitalizing the Right to Abortion in Kenya

On 24 March 2022, the Kenya High Court delivered a momentous ruling on the right to abortion. The decision sets a tempo in safeguarding women’s rights not only in Kenya but across the world. It is yet another great contribution from the Global South to global constitutional debate, reminding us that judges should be ready and willing to deploy their interpretive armory when protecting rights. Continue reading >>
04 March 2022

Ein plurinationales Rechtssystem für Chile

Seit Mitte Februar schreiben die Mitglieder der Verfassunggebenden Versammlung in Chile an den Normen einer neuen Verfassung. In der ersten Woche stimmte das Plenum über Regeln zu Rechtssystem und Staatsaufbau ab. Die Ergebnisse der Abstimmungen haben in der Öffentlichkeit wegen mangelnder Klarheit für viel Diskussion gesorgt. Mit diesen Normen scheint die Verfassunggebende Versammlung Ungerechtigkeiten der Vergangenheit gegenüber der indigenen Bevölkerung beheben zu wollen. Das zeigt sich an dem Stellenwert, den der Verfassungsentwurf den Regionen und indigenen Rechtssystemen zuschreibt. Continue reading >>
09 December 2021

India’s Dynamic Constitution

A set of petitions challenging India’s non-recognition of gay and transgender persons’ right to marry was listed for final hearing by the Delhi High Court on 30 November 2021, with notice subsequently having been issued to the Union Government. I argue that the Indian constitutional framework is sufficiently well-developed to recognise LGBT marriage and that in holding as much, judicial fora in India would be heavily influenced by the idea of “constitutional morality”.  Continue reading >>
26 July 2013

Pius Langa: a man who knew the meaning of transformation

Former South African Chief Justice Pius Langa passed away earlier this week at the age of 74. This measured man, one who never seemed flustered and always seemed to have time to reflect before speaking, was both a good person and a brilliant jurist. His many meticulously crafted judgments leave behind a fitting memorial to his life and work. But it was his famous 2006 speech on the nature of “Transformative Constitutionalism” for which he might very well become best remembered. Continue reading >>