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21 June 2019
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Mini-BOTs, complementary currencies and the European monetary malaise

On May 28th, the Italian Chamber of Deputies approved a resolution requiring the government to issue the so-called mini-BOTs. Under such a name, reference is made to Treasury bills issued in small denominations (in Euros), bearing no interest, with no expiry date, and which the Italian Exchequer would accept as a means of payment of taxes. The proposal has been predictably met with marked skepticism by European institutions and by the Italian Minister of Economy and Finance. However, the wisest move, in prudential, political and economic terms, would be that European institutions would embrace experimentation with complementary currencies, in genuine federal spirit. Continue reading >>
13 July 2018

Order in the Eurozone: MAURIZIO FERRERA and CLAUS OFFE in Conversation

A German-Italian exchange on the dysfunctionalities of the European Monetary Union and the ongoing social and political crisis particularly in Southern Europe. Continue reading >>
02 February 2014

Von der Währungsunion wollte Francis Mann nichts wissen

Das Manuskript, das der emigrierte deutsche Jurist Francis Mann Anfang […] Continue reading >>
11 June 2010

Die nicht so eilige Eilentscheidung zum Euro-Rettungsschirm

Warum hat das so lange gedauert? Das ist die Frage, […] Continue reading >>
21 May 2010

Das Bailout-Verbot ermächtigt zum Bailout

Wir Juristen sind schon super. Wir finden immer eine Lösung. […] Continue reading >>
08 May 2010

Kein Bailout-Stop aus Karlsruhe

Jedenfalls keine einstweilige Anordnung: Der Zweite Senat des Bundesverfassungsgerichts hat […] Continue reading >>
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