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One Year Later: Rule of Law in Poland
In December 2023, the new Polish government set out to repair the country's rule of law and restore the judiciary's independence. Twelve months later, this symposium evaluates what progress Poland has made, what issues remain unaddressed, and what the outlook is for the rule of law in a country that's about to assume the Presidency of the Council of the EU.
Read all articles >>The EU AI Act’s Impact on Security Law
The rapid development of AI technologies not only has broad societal implications but also challenges legal concepts, institutions, and scholarship. This debate series fittingly features a diverse and international range of authors from both legal practice and academia, who explore the wide-ranging impact of the AI Act on European and German national security law.
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Issues 1
April 2024
Maxim Bönnemann & Maria Antonia Tigre (eds.)
The Transformation of European Climate Litigation
In Spring 2024, the European Court of Human Rights ruled for the first time that inadequate climate mitigation violates human rights. This book offers the first comprehensive assessment of the rulings in KlimaSeniorinnen, Duarte Agostinho, and Carême. It explores key innovations, missed opportunities, and the untaken paths in European climate litigation.
Protecting Poland’s Public Media
In contrast to the slower-paced reforms in the judiciary, the new Polish government opted for swift and radical action in reforming public media during its first year. Political considerations often overshadowed strict adherence to the law in public media changes. However, public media showed improvement compared to their propagandist role under the previous administration. The media reform will be tested through its approach to revising legislation and following a constitutional procedure to appoint public media boards.
Continue reading >>Charting Change
The ongoing reform of the Polish Prosecution Service, initiated by separating the roles of Prosecutor General and Minister of Justice, aims to restore the rule of law and enhance the institution's independence and effectiveness. Yet, achieving this goal requires comprehensive reforms to address longstanding issues and external factors. Success hinges on legislative support, particularly from the Ministry of Justice, and overcoming resistance to change among prosecutors, marking a potential new era for the institution.
Continue reading >>One Size Does Not Fit All
Bereits wenige Tage nach dem Umsturz in Syrien ist eine Diskussion entbrannt, in der Forderungen nach sofortiger Rückkehr aller Syrer:innen laut werden. Daneben hat das BAMF beschlossen, alle anhängigen Asylverfahren mit syrischen Staatsangehörigen auszusetzen. Aus den Augen gerät dabei das Erfordernis einer einzelfallbezogenen Prüfung, was sowohl das Verfahren selbst, die Anerkennung als Flüchtling als auch den Widerruf einer Aufenthaltserlaubnis betrifft.
Continue reading >>One Year After Wałęsa v. Poland
Despite some progress, the Polish government faces immense political and structural hurdles in implementing ECtHR judgments concenring the rule of law. Because November 2025 marks one year since the ECtHR issued the pilot judgment in Wałęsa v. Poland, it is a good moment to reflect on the progress made by the current authorities in implementing ECtHR judgments. This post delves into the steps taken, the obstacles ahead, and the question of whether a coherent plan exists to navigate this legal and constitutional crisis.
Continue reading >>At Risk of Capture?
On December 21st, the mandates of three judges of the Italian Constitutional Court will expire, creating a total of 4 vacancies. While Parliament is responsible for filling the seats, political parties are far from reaching an agreement on who should get appointed. The majority’s strategic obstruction of the appointment process in combination with Meloni’s assertions that it is up to her political majority to “deal the cards” for these elections raise the specter of the Court’s politicization. While the Italian legal system has several safeguards to preserve the impartiality and effectiveness of its Constitutional Court, these do not immunizes it against practices that could slowly and almost imperceptibly undermine its independence.
Continue reading >>New Zealand’s Constitution of Liberty
The New Zealand government has launched a consultation on a Regulatory Standards Bill that could shape both existing and future regulation. In addition to laying down principles to which regulation will be expected to conform, the bill would set up an institutional mechanism for implementing them. It is an ambitious undertaking which deserves attention beyond New Zealand’s shores for three reasons: first, its remarkably libertarian content; second, the unusual way in which it would be implemented; and third, what it can tell us about the ways in which an “unwritten” constitution changes―or doesn’t.
Continue reading >>Deutschland, Israel und der IGH
Das Verfahren zwischen Südafrika und Israel vor dem Internationalen Gerichtshof zählt vielleicht zu den bedeutendsten in der Geschichte des Gerichts. Bereits zehn Staaten sind dem Verfahren beigetreten oder haben ihren Beitritt beantragt. Deutschland kündigte seine Absicht zur Intervention bereits kurz nach der Klageeinreichung Südafrikas an, noch bevor es selbst in einen Rechtsstreit mit Nicaragua über die Unterstützung Israels verwickelt wurde. Eine politisch motivierte Intervention unter Art. 63 des IGH-Status würde sich jedoch dem Vorwurf der Doppelmoral aussetzen. Erweiterten Handlungsspielraum eröffnet dagegen eine Intervention unter Art. 62 des IGH-Status.
Continue reading >>Lay Judges in Common Courts
Lay judges in Poland, who play a crucial role in enhancing civic participation in the judiciary, have seen their role marginalized over time due to systemic changes and professional judges’ attitudes. Lay-judges do not feel adequately appreciated, do not see their function as a source of pride. Despite being undervalued and facing dwindling interest from citizens, revitalizing their participation through legislative reforms and a fresh narrative could strengthen public trust and legitimacy in the justice system.
Continue reading >>Schrödinger’s Judges
What happens when judges are both legitimate and illegitimate at the same time? In post-2023 Poland, tension arises between ‘old judges’ (pre-2018), accusing ‘neo-judges’ of ethical compromise, and the new government, which aims to maintain judicial continuity. As a result, neo-judges find themselves in a state akin to Schrödinger's cat, their legitimacy simultaneously affirmed and denied. This paradox encapsulates the broader struggle over judicial authority and political influence in the country.
Continue reading >>Prohibiting Drivers of Biodiversity Loss
On 14 November 2024, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) found Germany in breach of the Habitats Directive (HD) due to a failure to prohibit agricultural activities that drove biodiversity loss in protected (Natura 2000) sites. The ruling in C-47/23 appears significant due to its focus on the drivers of deterioration and the need to take legally binding measures against those drivers. In light of the poor state of nature across the EU and the ongoing failure to adequately address the drivers of biodiversity loss, this ruling provides an important clarification on the HD’s non-deterioration obligation.
Continue reading >>Freundschaft schließen mit der Entgelttransparenz
Die Entgelttransparenzrichtlinie (EU) 2023/970 soll geschlechtsspezifische Entgeltunterschiede durch erweiterte Transparenzmechanismen und klare Sanktionsvorgaben reduzieren. Sie erfordert bis 2026 Anpassungen des deutschen Entgelttransparenzgesetzes, dessen bisherige Instrumente – wie der Auskunftsanspruch und freiwillige Berichtspflichten – nur begrenzte Wirkung gezeigt haben. Die Richtlinie bietet die Chance, bestehende Entgeltsysteme zu reformieren, geschlechtsneutrale Bewertungsmaßstäbe zu etablieren und die Verhandlungsposition von Beschäftigten zu stärken.
Continue reading >>Ein „Hochschulsicherheitsrecht“ verstößt gegen die verfassungsrechtliche Gewährleistung wissenschaftlicher Forschung und Lehre
Verfassungsrechtlerinnen und Verfassungsrechtler aus allen juristischen Fakultäten des Landes NRW haben sich zu der folgenden Stellungnahme zusammengeschlossen. Sie trägt die Unterschrift einer deutlichen Mehrzahl aller aktiven Hochschullehrer des Verfassungsrechts, mehrere Rechtsfakultäten sind mit ihrem Öffentlichen Recht vollständig vertreten.
Continue reading >>Restoring the Rule of Law
Poland has become a real-time laboratory of rule of law restoration. The new government is faced with the fundamental question of how to tackle undemocratic reforms with legitimate, democratic measures. Avoiding obstruction by the affiliates of the outgoing regime and suppressing the desire for retribution by the injured parties presents the biggest challenge. Yet, the Polish government has a rare occasion to lead by example on how to solve the rule of law crisis not only by legal, but also political means.
Continue reading >>The Winding Road To The Mountaintop
In the Rule of Law in Poland Action Plan, the Polish government outlined its approach to restoring the rule of law in the country. It might have been a good starting point for developing the concept of restoring the rule of law. However, it remains unsatisfying that, after so many years of discussing the collapse of the rule of law, more elaborate ideas for its restoration were not put on the table, and the Action Plan lacks concrete proposals.
Continue reading >>Why Taiwan’s Constitutional Court Is in Danger
Legislators from the leading party in Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan are moving to pass an amendment that could effectively paralyze the Constitutional Court. Under the proposed changes to the Constitutional Court Procedure Act, the Court may find itself unable to carry out its constitutional mandate. This week, Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan will deliberate the amendments. If the amendments are passed in their current form, Taiwan could face nothing less than a full-blown constitutional crisis.
Continue reading >>The 2025 Polish Presidency of the Council
Poland’s 2025 Presidency of the Council of the EU arrives at a moment of political turbulence and high stakes, with security as its flagship theme. This short period will see the return of Donald Trump, the volatile German snap parliamentary election, and the buildup to Poland's own presidential election. While Poland’s government promises a fresh, value-driven approach, its own challenges in fully restoring the rule of law and balancing pragmatism with EU ideals may temper its ambitions.
Continue reading >>In ruhige Gewässer
Rechte der Natur erregen die Gemüter. In Deutschland riefen jüngst zwei Urteile des LG Erfurt heftige Reaktionen hervor. Auch in Spanien, wo bereits 2022 mit der Salzwasserlagune Mar Menor das erste europäische Ökosystem mit Rechten ausgestattet wurde, um die fortschreitende Zerstörung durch Pestizideintrag zu stoppen, wurden hitzige Debatten geführt. Am 20.11.2024 hat das spanische Verfassungsgericht die Verfassungskonformität dieses Rechtsakts bestätigt und damit die Debatte in verfassungsrechtlich ruhigere Gewässer gelenkt.
Continue reading >>Das Zollschwert des Präsidenten
Die feierliche Amtseinführung von Donald J. Trump am 20. Januar 2025 wird weitreichende geopolitische Auswirkungen haben. Darauf deuten alle Aussagen von Präsident Trump während seines Wahlkampfes, nach seinem Wahlsieg sowie auch die Erfahrungen mit seiner ersten Amtszeit von 2017 bis 2021 hin. Neben allen globalen politischen Herausforderungen, die mit der erneuten Amtszeit von Trump verbunden sein werden, wird auch die internationale Rechtsordnung Belastungsproben ausgesetzt sein. An seiner angekündigten Zollpolitik zeigt sich dies deutlich.
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