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POSTS BY Maximilian Steinbeis
15 November 2019

Right-Wing Crits

In which I take issue with the Judicial Power Project. Continue reading >>
08 November 2019

Competitors for the Majority

In which I respectfully disagree with the large majority of Ministers of Justice in Germany. Continue reading >>
01 November 2019

1989 and me

In which I mostly deplore my lack of curiosity as a 19 year old in rural Upper Bavaria. Continue reading >>
25 October 2019

See you around

On Unions, withdrawals and other matters of potentially paradoxical nature. Continue reading >>
18 October 2019

Closing Loops, Unclosing Loops

On elections in Poland and Hungary and other constitutional matters of hope and despair. Continue reading >>
11 October 2019

Getting Rid of Them

On impeaching Trump, sacking BoJo and other matters of constitutional reverie. Continue reading >>
05 October 2019

Not Madness nor Treason

On old English ladies, indigestible lumps and other matters of delight and disgust in constitutional law and policy. Continue reading >>
27 September 2019

Without the Benefit of Hindsight

On history being written by the winner and other myths of constitutional and unconstitutional nature. Continue reading >>
20 September 2019

A Bug, not a Feature

On empty concepts, blind spots and other matters of constitutional visibility. Continue reading >>
09 September 2019

Ein Volkskanzler

Jetzt mal angenommen, es käme einer. Mal angenommen, da wäre plötzlich einer, der die Menschen begeistert und mit Hoffnung erfüllt. Ein Neuer, ein Erneuerer, ein von der alten Bundesrepublik und ihrer Politik und ihrem zerfallenden Parteiensystem gänzlich Unkontaminierter. Ein Zukunftsszenario. Continue reading >>
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