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POSTS BY Maximilian Steinbeis
10 November 2018

Constitutionalizing Facebook

On public space, private autonomy and other matters of who owes what sort of justification to whom. Continue reading >>
03 November 2018

Confessions of an Ex-Neoliberal

On past mistakes made and future mistakes to be avoided and other matters of constitutional penitence. Continue reading >>
27 October 2018

Viewed from Without

On constitutional holism, colliding trains and other matters of constitutional catastrophe. Continue reading >>
20 October 2018

A Ghost Story

On the German Reich, Polish judicial reforms and other uncanny phenomena of paraconstitutional law. Continue reading >>
13 October 2018

Cakes that Speak

On anti-gay pastry, discrimination darkrooms and other matters of constitutional and unconstitutional confectionery. Continue reading >>
06 October 2018

Men Like Them

On frat boys, men of honour and other phenomena of constitutional masculinity. Continue reading >>
22 September 2018

Fool me once

On last-minute delays for Poland, last-ditch attempts to fire Maaßen and other ways of overtaxing our constitutional patience. Continue reading >>
15 September 2018

Thanks for the Clarification

On clear lines for Orbán, murky pools for Maaßen and other matters of constitutional translucence and opacity. Continue reading >>
08 September 2018

Silence means Dissent

On abstention, abstaining and other ways of staying clear of constitutional and non-constitutional sin. Continue reading >>
01 September 2018

Now let him enforce it

On powerless judges, unforthcoming Poles and other constitutional matters of who gets to force his will on whom. Continue reading >>
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