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POSTS BY Maximilian Steinbeis
25 August 2018

Law and Sentiment

On public opinion, private feelings and other sensible and sentimental matters constitutional. Continue reading >>
24 July 2018

„Do not go. Do not vote“: an Interview with WOJCIECH SADURSKI

The Polish President Andrzej Duda has announced a referendum about the reform of the Polish Constitution of 1997. According to Wojciech Sadurski, the questions he intends to ask the Polish people are either meaningless, redundant or downright detrimental - with one important exception. Continue reading >>
21 July 2018

Break from the Break

On the epic fight about Prawo and Sprawiedliwość that is going on in Poland and other estival reasons for constitutional alarm. Continue reading >>
14 July 2018

Seven Long Years

On staring into abysses, the passing of time and what we all want to be remembered for. Continue reading >>
13 July 2018

Wozu muss der Verlust der Unionsbürgerschaft verhältnismäßig sein?

Als Bürger der Europäischen Union darf mir die Bundesrepublik Deutschland nicht einfach meine deutsche Staatsbürgerschaft wegnehmen, ohne dabei zu prüfen, ob das zu den Folgen, die das für mich hat, in einem vernünftigen Verhältnis steht. Davor schützt mich europäisches Recht, dass mein Staat das mit mir macht. Das hatte vor acht Jahren im epochalen Fall Rottmann der EuGH entschieden.  Wird der Luxemburger Gerichtshof diese Rechtsprechung jetzt wieder relativieren? Continue reading >>
07 July 2018

What You Did This Summer

On legal entanglement, brotherly love and other matters of constitutional fiction and non-fiction Continue reading >>
30 June 2018

Fight these People!

On the need to fight these people, and the need to fight these people. And the need to fight these people. Continue reading >>
23 June 2018

Bavarian Curses

On geography in Europe, on the firmness of the ground underneath us and other matters of constitutional disorientation. Continue reading >>
16 June 2018

A Tale of Two Unions

On Christian Democrats, Europe and other unifying and disuniting matters constitutional. Continue reading >>
09 June 2018

In eigener Sache

Liebe Freund_innen des Verfassungsblogs, Ich wende mich heute an Sie […] Continue reading >>
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