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POSTS BY Maximilian Steinbeis
16 September 2017

Macron or Juncker

On polarity, voting and whirling about in Angela Merkel's kettle of pragmatism. Continue reading >>
09 September 2017

Walking out on us

On Hungary, Catalonia and other domestic or international matters of discontent Continue reading >>
29 July 2017

Beyond Dublin

On balls, fields, books and Möbius strips of constitutional and non-constitutional nature. Continue reading >>
26 July 2017

Zäune bauen in Luxemburg

Angela Merkel wird mit der heutigen Grundsatzentscheidung des Europäischen Gerichtshofs in Sachen Flüchtlingsschutz gut leben können. Ihr Entschluss im Sommer 2015, die Grenzen für die Flüchtlinge aus Ungarn zu öffnen, war mitnichten der "eklatante Rechtsbruch", den die CSU mit Sekundanz allerhand prominenter Verfassungsjuristen immer behauptet hatte. Das viel beschworene Selbsteintrittsrecht in Art. 17 Abs. 1 der Dublin-III-Verordnung war in den Augen des EuGH das Druckventil, das Deutschland in der Extremsituation 2015/16 wenn schon nicht öffnen musste, so doch durfte. Ansonsten aber bleibt es dabei: Humanitäre Krise hin oder her – wen die Staaten an der Außengrenze reinlassen, für den sind sie zuständig. Sollen sie halt Zäune bauen. Continue reading >>
22 July 2017

Not to play along

On Poland, Spain and others crises constitutional, and how to deal with them. Continue reading >>
18 July 2017

Human Rights Under Pressure: International Law in Times of Crisis

A panel discussion event by MPIL, streamed live on Verfassungsblog. Continue reading >>
15 July 2017

Polish Courts are Our Courts

On Erdogan, Böhmermann, Kaczynski and other ticklish constitutional business. Continue reading >>
13 July 2017

Statement by the former presidents of the Constitutional Tribunal: Andrzej Rzepliński, Marek Safjan, Jerzy Stępień, Bohdan Zdziennicki and Andrzej Zoll

Last November, the former presidents of the Polish Constitutional Tribunal issued a joint statement to protest against the subjugation of the Tribunal. Now, as the PiS government is about to effectively bring the entire judiciary under their control, they speak up again. Continue reading >>
08 July 2017

The Non-Arsonist’s Guide to Constitutionalism

On headscarves, marriage vows, burning Mazdas and other combustible matters constitutional. Continue reading >>
01 July 2017

Merkel’s Conscience

On conscientious objection as a method of constitutional interpretation and other ways to have the cake and eat it. Continue reading >>
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