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POSTS BY Maximilian Steinbeis
07 May 2017

My President, too

On presidents, populists, courts and other constitutional causes for joy and celebration. Continue reading >>
29 April 2017

Europe is not a Story

On Orbán, on Europe and on other fictional and factual matters constitutional. Continue reading >>
22 April 2017

The Feedback Loop of Power

On Germans being German, ending the disgrace of child marriage and other scandalous matters constitutional. Continue reading >>
08 April 2017

Dreaming of the User Republic

On hate speech, civic duplicity and other dubious matters constitutional. Continue reading >>
05 April 2017

Meinungsfreiheit und Gewalt

Das BVerfG setzt seine Serie von Kammerentscheidungen zur Meinungsfreiheit fort: wenn ein Rechtsextremer einen grünen Bundestagsabgeordneten als "Obergauleiter" bezeichnet, dann ist keine Schmähkritik. Das ist weder ein Skandal noch ein Triumph, sondern ziemlich normal. Continue reading >>
01 April 2017

The Outside Within

On Hungary's Soros obsession, diaspora voting rights and other reflexive matters constitutional. Continue reading >>
25 March 2017

Charging Bullies

On bullies, brown bears and other furry and fuzzy matters constitutional. Continue reading >>
18 March 2017

Majority is a Legal Concept

On Dutch populist unpopularity, on the absurdities of autocracy and on other matters constitutional. Continue reading >>
04 March 2017

Geert-Victor LePynski, coming to your town too

On EU member states' brazenness and subservience, on the constitutional plans of Le Pen and Wilders and why they matter for all European citizens. Continue reading >>
25 February 2017

Constitutional Courts – imagine them gone

On frightened German judges, distressed Polish judges and other newsworthy matters constitutional. Continue reading >>
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