26 January 2019
Minister of Civil Resistance
On law, politics and a fellow named Herbert Kickl. Continue reading >>
19 January 2019
As You Like It
On Brexit, the ultimate question of Life, the Universe and Everything and other constitutional and unconstitutional conundra. Continue reading >>12 January 2019
Piercing the Hull
On the rocking of boats, the weathering of storms and other matters of constitutional seafaring. Continue reading >>
15 December 2018
A Christmas Wish
On this crazy year of 2018 and how to move on with the Verfassungsblog project. Continue reading >>
08 December 2018
This Time it’s Serious
On burning barricades, shifting balances and other riotous matters of constitutionalism. Continue reading >>06 December 2018
Introduction: Constitutional Resilience and the German Grundgesetz
What lessons does the plight of the Polish and the Hungarian democracy hold for a seemingly stable constitutional state like Germany? How resilient would the German constitutional setup turn out to be in the case of an authoritarian majority taking and successfully holding on to power? What kind of legal or institutional changes may be helpful to make that event less likely and/or less hard to prevent? These were the questions we aimed to address in a debate jointly organized by Verfassungsblog and WZB Center for Global Constitutionalism, generously supported by Stiftung Mercator. Continue reading >>01 December 2018
Into the Open
On voting for the bad guys, rooting for the good guys and other matters of constitution and compromise. Continue reading >>
24 November 2018
Law Rules!
On backpedalling Poles, diesel-guzzling Bavarians and other matters of constitutional pro- and regress. Continue reading >>