08 September 2018
Silence means Dissent
On abstention, abstaining and other ways of staying clear of constitutional and non-constitutional sin. Continue reading >>
01 September 2018
Now let him enforce it
On powerless judges, unforthcoming Poles and other constitutional matters of who gets to force his will on whom. Continue reading >>
25 August 2018
Law and Sentiment
On public opinion, private feelings and other sensible and sentimental matters constitutional. Continue reading >>24 July 2018
„Do not go. Do not vote“: an Interview with WOJCIECH SADURSKI
The Polish President Andrzej Duda has announced a referendum about the reform of the Polish Constitution of 1997. According to Wojciech Sadurski, the questions he intends to ask the Polish people are either meaningless, redundant or downright detrimental - with one important exception. Continue reading >>21 July 2018
Break from the Break
On the epic fight about Prawo and Sprawiedliwość that is going on in Poland and other estival reasons for constitutional alarm. Continue reading >>
14 July 2018
Seven Long Years
On staring into abysses, the passing of time and what we all want to be remembered for. Continue reading >>
07 July 2018
What You Did This Summer
On legal entanglement, brotherly love and other matters of constitutional fiction and non-fiction Continue reading >>
30 June 2018
Fight these People!
On the need to fight these people, and the need to fight these people. And the need to fight these people. Continue reading >>23 June 2018