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POSTS BY Maximilian Steinbeis
28 January 2017

Shaking off Constitutional Constraints

Is the seminal Miller decision by the UK Supreme Court good news for British constitutionalism or bad? What does the equally momentous Yukos decision by the Russian Constitutional Court teach us about the state of constitionalism in Russia? And what will become of the rule of law and the balance of powers in Turkey when President Erdogan gets his way with the Turkish constitution? Continue reading >>
21 January 2017

Scarves, Slaves and the Nearly Headless NPD

On an incompletely decapitated Neonazi party and other topical matters constitutional. Continue reading >>
19 January 2017

Sklavenhalter auf Europa-Urlaub: Nicht unser Problem?

Am Dienstag, überlagert vom NPD-Urteil, kam eine Kammerentscheidung des EGMR in Straßburg, die mehr Aufmerksamkeit verdient hätte. Es geht darin um eine Familie aus Dubai, die drei filipinische Frauen wie Haussklavinnen hielt. Continue reading >>
17 January 2017

Die eventuell, aber nicht potenziell verfassungswidrige NPD

Die NPD, das hat das Bundesverfassungsgericht heute festgestellt, ist verfassungsfeindlich, aber nicht verfassungswidrig. Dazu fehlt ihr zum Wollen das Können. Das wirft die Frage auf: was fangen wir mit einer solchen Wollen-aber-nicht-Können-Verfassungsfeindpartei jetzt an? Continue reading >>
14 January 2017

Strangers, Adversaries, Enemies

On party bans, on constitutional courts as tools and objects of political pressure, and on the various ways Muslim dress codes for girls and women further the evolution of constitutional law in Europe. Continue reading >>
07 January 2017

Us and Them

On racial profiling, on what is part of Europe and what is not, and on apes in cages. Continue reading >>
22 December 2016

Cleaning up after 2016

The end of this year of 2016 draws close, and relief about that fact, ill-founded as it may be, is palpable wherever I go. It has been a rough ride for constitutionalists, and we all deserve some days of rest and peace, if we can afford it. Therefore, I will spare you with seasonal reviews and reflections on these almost consistently dreadful twelve months past and highlight only one fact hopefully suitable to lift your spirits a bit: Since Brexit, support for European integration has jumped by 5 percent throughout the EU and by 7 percent in the UK. Continue reading >>
10 December 2016

Freedom of Assembly in Poland: Next in Line?

Public protest seems to be the best hope civil society now has in Poland against its increasingly authoritarian government. It would be only consequent that the the next obstacle to their power for the Law and Justice party to dismantle would be the right to freedom of assembly. Continue reading >>
06 December 2016

Die Menschenwürde des Staatskonzerns Vattenfall: zum Atom-Urteil des Bundesverfassungsgerichts

Grundrechte leiten sich aus der Menschenwürde ab. Wie kann es sein, dass ein 100-prozentiger Staatskonzern wie Vattenfall sich in Karlsruhe sein Grundrecht auf Eigentum einklagen darf? Das Bundesverfassungsgericht hat auf diese Frage eine überraschend unakademische Antwort gefunden. Continue reading >>
03 December 2016

Christmas Showdown in Poland

Something decidedly un-christmasy is going on right now in Poland. On Thursday, I have talked to a person close to the ongoing conflict about the Polish Constitutional Tribunal on the phone, and here is what I have learnt: Continue reading >>
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