20 September 2019
A Bug, not a Feature
On empty concepts, blind spots and other matters of constitutional visibility. Continue reading >>
06 September 2019
A Matter of Confidence
On lying without expecting belief and other harbingers of constitutional doom. Continue reading >>
30 August 2019
Brexit as Fate
On Boris, the seven plagues of Brexit and other matters of constitutional myth-making Continue reading >>
18 August 2019
What happens after the Polish Elections?
What would become of what's left of Polish constitutional democracy in the case of another PiS victory in October? And what if they lose the elections? How could the damage done by them be undone? Continue reading >>16 July 2019
„Wir haben das Recht auf Leben mit einem einfachen Gesetzesvorbehalt“
Ein Interview mit Dieter Grimm zur Änderungsbedürftigkeit des Verfassungsänderungsverfahrens, dem Grundgesetz als Herrgottswinkel der Republik, dem europäischen Spitzenkandidatenprozess und der Frage, warum Instrumente der direkten Demokratie bei Verfassungsänderungen ihre Berechtigung haben. Continue reading >>13 July 2019
The First Decade
A stroll down memory lane after 10 years of matters constitutional on Verfassungsblog. Continue reading >>06 July 2019
The Bursting of a Constitutional Bubble
On stunts, bluffs, confidence tricks and other mind-boggling matters constitutional. Continue reading >>29 June 2019
A Matter of Intent
On constitutional jurisdiction in the EU and the US and other ways to check or boost the right-wing project. Continue reading >>
15 June 2019