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POSTS BY Arianna Vedaschi
05 May 2021

COVID-19 and Emergency Powers in Western European Democracies: Trends and Issues

Domestic emergency powers resorted to in the Covid-19 crisis are very different from each other. Is it possible to identify common trends in the comparative scenario? Limiting the scope of the analysis to democratic countries of the Western European area, at least four different tendencies can be identified. Continue reading >>
12 March 2020

Coronavirus Emergency and Public Law Issues: An Update on the Italian Situation

The emergency caused by the “new” Coronavirus disease (that we discussed here) reached a new peak in Italy in the last few days, since cases have tripled compared to just a couple of days ago. Italy is now the second most affected country after China. This situation induced Italian public authorities to take new, stricter measures to try to contain the expansion of the virus. From a constitutional law perspective, the Coronavirus sheds light on the need to reconsider Italy’s “emergency constitution” . Continue reading >>
06 March 2020

Coronavirus, Health Emergencies and Public Law Issues

The outbreak of the “new” Coronavirus disease triggered an epidemic potentially evolving into a pandemic. Italy is one of the most affected areas, with 3.858 cases, confirmed by tests that public authorities are extensively performing on the population. Taking a closer look, this scenario highlights a number of challenging issues that can teach us valuable “public law lessons”. Continue reading >>
29 January 2019

Citizenship Revocation in Italy as a Counter-Terrorism Measure

A 2018 Italian Decree Law allows the revocation of citizenship based on a decision of the Minister of the Interior when a person has been convicted for terrorist offences. However, this provision specifically addresses immigrants and their children who became Italian citizens. Continue reading >>
08 May 2018

State Secrecy in Counterterrorism: Different Judicial Standards of Review – The Abu Omar Case before Italian Courts

State secrecy provides an interesting viewpoint on national and supranational […] Continue reading >>
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