24 February 2021
Live Debate: Power and the Covid-19 Pandemic
Marking the launch of the 2021 "Power and the COVID-19 Pandemic" Symposium, this webinar will bring together five contributors to discuss the impact of the pandemic on legal systems globally, and offer initial assessments for the rule of law, democracy, and human rights. Continue reading >>
24 April 2020
An Emergency By Any Other Name? Measures Against the COVID-19 Pandemic in Poland
The measures introduced to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in Poland are among some of the most extensive and far-reaching, affecting many spheres of civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights. Few of these measures amount to recommendations and suggestions of specific behaviour, most of them are hard, legally enforceable orders and prohibitions and flouting them incurs the risk of severe financial punishment. Yet the legal framework for these measures causes a significant degree of controversy. This report aims to present a birds eye’s view on the measures in Poland and to highlight some issues legal scholars and experts have taken with both the substantive side of the measures and the means they were introduced. Continue reading >>
19 November 2019
High Expectations
Both sides have declared victory after the CJEU decision on judicial independence in Poland today. Most probably a more general assessment will be provided in the infringement action against Poland submitted by the Commission in October 2019. Continue reading >>13 November 2019
Old friends, new friends? Prospects for EU’s cooperation with intergovernmental organisations in promotion of the rule of law
In its July 2019 blueprint for action on the rule of law, the European Commission has outlined three main avenues of action on the rule of law in the EU: prevention, response and promotion. Continue reading >>
28 May 2019
Age is the limit? Background of the CJEU case C-619/18 Commission v Poland
Next month the Court of Justice of the European Union will make a decision that is likely going to feature in the future textbooks on European Union law. In the case C-618/19 Commission v Poland, the Court will tackle the topic of judicial independence and the question of whether the standards of the rule of law were violated by the Polish government and parliament and thus address a critical element of European Union’s legal system. Continue reading >>
23 July 2018
Fast Random-Access Memory (Laws) – The June 2018 Amendments to the Polish “Holocaust Law”
On June 27th Polish authorities broke the national record in speed of proceeding a bill in Parliament and getting it signed into the law by the President. And we are not talking about just an ordinary bill. The statute in question is the (in)famous Polish “Holocaust bill” or “Polish death camp law”. Continue reading >>
21 December 2017