09 March 2017
Rule of Law in Times of the Populist Surge. Comments on Armin von Bogdandy and Michael Ioannidis
As populism rises and crises of the rule of law emerge, we have to think out of the box. Pál Sonnevend's reply to v. Bogdandy and M. Ioannidis focusses on the democratic environment and guarantees of the rule of law in Greece. Continue reading >>
09 March 2017
The Greek Diaspora and the Reform of the Greek State
For decades, a significant number of Greek public servants owed their position to patronage, nepotism, party support, or fraud. Angelos Chaniotis responds to Armin von Bogdandy and Michael Ioannidis' suggestion to institution-building in Greece. Continue reading >>
09 March 2017
State building in Greece
Even though Greece avoided imminent collapse and civil unrest in 2015, the reform process has not reached the threshold of irreversibility. Response by Achilles Skordas to the suggestions made by v. Bogdandy and Ioannidis. Continue reading >>
09 March 2017
Formal and Informal Elements of Institution-Building. A Comment on Armin von Bogdandy and Michael Ioannidis
The fact that Greece seems to be in trouble again should be considered an opportunity! Response by András Jakab to v. Bogdandy/Ioannidis' suggestion to use the Greek diaspora as a tool for a new approach to institution building. Continue reading >>
09 March 2017