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12 October 2022

Letting Human Rights Wait in Syrian Camps

Recently, the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights handed down its decision about the repatriation of Daesh-involved family members of French citizens. The judgment has been widely commented on in the French and international press. The overall impression that emerged was that of a victory for the applicants and a clear denunciation of French policy regarding the general non-repatriation of French children and their mothers encamped in north-eastern Syria. Reality is, however, very different. In fact, the Court’s decision is very measured. In many respects, it does (too) little and comes (too) late. Continue reading >>
25 February 2016

US-Angriffe auf den „Islamischen Staat“ in Libyen: Die dünnste aller Rechtsgrundlagen

Die Luftangriffe in Libyen gegen den "Islamischen Staat" rechtfertigt die US-Regierung damit, dass die „libyan authorities on the ground“ über die Militärschläge unterrichtet waren. Mit anderen Worten: Es handelt sich um eine mit Einverständnis der Regierung vorgenommene Intervention („Intervention auf Einladung“). Dadurch wird das Gewaltverbot prima facie folglich nicht verletzt, weil die Verletzung der territorialen Integrität nicht gegen den Willen des betroffenen Staats erfolgt. Die Intervention auf Einladung ist allerdings eine ganz allgemein höchst strittige Rechtsgrundlage. Continue reading >>
18 November 2015

The Teething of EU’s Mutual Defence Clause

France was the first member state to call for mutual assistance under Article 42(7) of the Lisbon treaty. The move came as a surprise. Most of the discussions in previous days were focused on the possibility to use the much heftier Article 5 defence clause of NATO. Compared to the tangible military assistance that NATO partners can offer, Europe’s obligation to assist has so far been seen as toothless and symbolic. While the EU’s mutual defence clause is still limited in its effect, its use is a timely reminder that there is strong interest within the EU to work closer together on defence. Continue reading >>