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04 December 2024

Under Guise of War

The Knesset’s legislative work since October 2023 has included several legislative initiatives that may be creating a framework for furthering systemic discrimination against Arab Israelis. These new laws could pose a dangerous new precedent in Israel, stripping the right to equality and human dignity of their meaning and threatening the already fragile state of democracy as we know it. Continue reading >>
29 February 2024

No Benefit

On January 18, 2024, the German federal parliament (Bundestag) passed the controversial Repatriation Improvement Act which de facto criminalises humanitarian support for entry by land as well as entry of minors by sea, land, and air. The German provision resembles both in wording and substance Article 12 of the Italian Consolidated Immigration Act (TUI) whose compatibility with EU law the CJEU is set to rule on, following a preliminary reference procedure initiated in July 2023. While the effect of a pending referral is uncertain, in the current case, the German government should have suspended its legislative process. Continue reading >>
10 May 2022

The United Parliament

While we frequently hear about Presidents taking the role of a commander in chief in times of war, the legislature, too, can play an important role. Whether a country succeeds in a war depends not least on how well its legislature is able to adjust to face the challenges of war. This blog post takes a closer look at the Ukrainian Parliament – the Verkhovna Rada (the Rada hereafter) – and its roles and activities during the war of the Russian Federation on Ukraine. Continue reading >>
10 November 2021

Legislative Activity and Inactivity in the COVID Pandemic in Spain

In Spain, hundreds of laws have been amended in reaction to the COVID pandemic. But Spain is still without a law determining when elections can be suspended, what is the deadline for extending the state of alarm, when a town can be closed perimetrically, and so on. Against logic and statistics, our public authorities have considered that the organic laws of 1981 and 1986 were sufficient for this purpose. However, they were clearly not designed for a pandemic unprecedented since 1918. Continue reading >>
05 September 2018

Shedding Light or Shooting in the Dark – How to define Fake News?

A proposed legislation against the “manipulation of information” is currently under consideration by the French parliament in order to tackle the problem of fake news. A sufficiently precise definition of fake news is a necessary preliminary condition to have a political or legal debate on the issue. The attempts of the French parliament have some significant shortcomings in this regard, but they can serve as a basis to elaborate a better definition. Continue reading >>
07 July 2016

Passing Laws without a Vote: the French Labour Reform and Art. 49-3 of the Constitution

The French government has brought a hugely controversial piece of legislation through parliament without debate and without a vote. That move is seen as democratically dubious by many. But it is certainly constitutional under the stability-oriented French Constitution of 1958. Continue reading >>
23 September 2015

Mehr als nur Formalien: zur Vermittlungsausschuss-Entscheidung des BVerfG

Das Grundgesetz formalisiert den Vorgang der Gesetzgebung. Es pocht auf Gleichheit, Pluralismus, Inklusivität und inhaltliche Offenheit, verpflichtet zu Öffentlichkeit und politischer Verantwortlichkeit, zur Repräsentanz der Opposition und gewährt den Abgeordneten grundsätzlich gleiche Teilhaberechte. Das macht den politischen Prozess schwerfällig und hat für die handelnden Akteure Transaktionskosten. Die Formalisierung des Gesetzgebungsprozesses begrenzt entlang legitimatorischer Erwägungen die legislative Handlungsfähigkeit. Deswegen sind informale politische Prozesse, die außerhalb des verfassungsrechtlichen Gesetzgebungsverfahrens stattfinden, wichtig: Von den Beteiligten organisierte Praktiken tragen zur Funktionsfähigkeit des demokratischen Verfahrens bei, indem sie mehrheitsfähige legislative Politiken finden. Vor diesem Hintergrund ist die gestrige Entscheidung des Bundesverfassungsgerichts in Sachen Vermittlungsausschuss von besonderem Interesse. Wie eng – so die zu entscheidende Frage – ist der Vermittlungsausschuss von Bundestag und Bundesrat an diese vermeintlichen Formalien gebunden, wenn er seine Arbeit möglichst effizient zu organisieren versucht? Continue reading >>
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