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19 March 2025

From Hugs to Handcuffs

On 27 February, the Mexican government transferred 29 alleged drug lords to the US. Instead of undergoing the due process required for extradition, they were simply removed of their cells, put on a plane and sent to the USA. This act was termed a “deliver” by Mexico, while the US called it a “expulsion”. This is not just a semantic issue. While combating organised crime is crucial, by bypassing the rules for extradition, Mexico disregarded the rule of law and set a dangerous precedent for sovereignty and the protection of fundamental rights. Continue reading >>
06 September 2024

Why Institutional Reputation Matters

Mexico is about to adopt a constitutional amendment to reform the judicial branch. While framed as an attempt to restore the legitimacy and independence of the judiciary, it is, in reality, aimed at capturing the judiciary. In this blogpost, I discuss a key strategy that enabled this judicial overhaul: the President’s persistent and systematic defamatory attacks on the judiciary. I argue that to facing the threat of institutional defamation, we must recognize the importance of the right to reputation. Continue reading >>
22 February 2023

Democratic Backsliding and the Supreme Court in Mexico

Democratic backsliding begins at the ballot box, and the turning point in Mexico was the election of 2018, which the charismatic leader Andrés Manuel López Obrador and his party won by a landslide. López Obrador’s government has pushed through a comprehensive electoral reform which will negatively affect the right to vote and the legitimacy of the general election of 2024. The Supreme Court will have to decide whether the reform stands or not. Continue reading >>
05 November 2021

Vom Widerstand gegen die Mauer zur Mauer selbst

So sehr sich die komparative Migrationsforschung in jüngster Zeit auch weiterentwickelt hat, so sehr leidet sie immer noch unter einer eklatanten Annahme: dass Staaten über die gleiche souveräne Macht verfügen, ihre Migrationspolitik entsprechend ihren eigenen Interessen zu bestimmen. Der Begriff der "Externalisierung", der heutzutage so häufig diskutiert wird, erinnert uns an die Asymmetrien der Macht. In Fällen extremer Asymmetrie, wie im Verhältnis zwischen Mexiko und den Vereinigten Staaten, ist der Spielraum für souveräne Entscheidungen in der Migrationspolitik äußerst gering bis nicht vorhanden. Continue reading >>
05 November 2021

From Opposing the Wall to Becoming it

As much as the comparative study of migration policies has developed recently, it still suffers from a blazing assumption: that states have equal sovereign power to determine their migration policy according to their own interests. The notion of “externalization”, so widely discussed nowadays, reminds us of asymmetries of power. In cases of extreme asymmetry though, as in the relation between Mexico and the United States, the spaces for sovereign decision making on migration policy are extremely thin to nonexistent. Continue reading >>
20 July 2021

One Step Forward: Cannabis Regulation in Mexico

On 28 June2021, the Supreme Court of Mexico declared with a general effect that an absolute ban on “recreational” marihuana use is unconstitutional. This was only the second time in history that the Supreme Court issued a general declaration of unconstitutionality, which represents a step forward in the long and winding road for a comprehensive cannabis regulation in Mexico. Continue reading >>
25 February 2021

COVID-19 in Mexico: A Year in Review

Close to a year since its first confirmed case of COVID-19, several indicators place Mexico among the countries that have suffered the worst effects of the pandemic. This post offers a critical overview of the governmental responses to the outbreak. It begins by describing the actions taken by officials of the different branches and levels of government. This is followed by an assessment of the many omissions and deficiencies that have characterized the response of the Federal Executive. Lastly, it closes by offering an outlook for 2021. Continue reading >>
16 April 2020

Mexico: Emergency Powers and COVID-19

As of April 5th, the Federal Health Ministry reported 2,143 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Mexico. International experience suggests that the country is at the cusp of confronting the full effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. This post provides a description of the constitutional and statutory regulation of emergency powers and a brief commentary on the government’s actions thus far. It starts by offering an account of the constitutional provision of emergency powers, noting from the outset a disinclination to the prospect or desirability of their application. Then, it describes the emergency powers to confront a health crisis contained in statutory form. Finally, it evaluates the government’s response to the pandemic. Continue reading >>
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