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06 August 2024

A Setback for Homeless Rights in the United States

On June 28, 2024, the United States Supreme Court handed down its decision in City of Grants Pass v. Johnson (Grants Pass), its most significant case on homelessness in decades. The decision overturned the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeal’s 2018 decision in Martin v. Boise (Martin), which mandated that cities allow unhoused individuals to sleep in public spaces when shelter beds were not available. The decision fails to consider the root causes of homelessness in the United States and exacerbates the already fragmented regulatory landscape governing the vulnerable community of the unhoused. Continue reading >>
20 July 2023

A Hidden Battlefield

The platform work directive proposal presents important implications for the implementation of social security schemes (e.g. those relating to unemployment or incapacity). In particular, it required digital labour platforms to declare and inform social protection authorities of the work performed through the platform and to share with them relevant data, among other aspects. It is important that these implications are maintained in a final instrument, as suggested by the Parliament in its position for trilogue negotiations. Continue reading >>
25 April 2020

COVID-19 and the Need for a Holistic and Integral Approach to Human Rights Protection

While the pandemic is global, the challenges the individual regions are currently facing in their combat against COVID-19 are different and specific. In Latin America, the combat is embedded in a context of deep social and economic inequality, systematic violence and poverty. As the crisis is likely to exacerbate these structural inequalities it is clear that its implications must be examined in the light of human rights and in the light of intersectionality. Continue reading >>
07 January 2020

Once Again, a Laboratory for What Is to Come

The 1980 Constitution of Chile contained different “locks” that have entrenched some of the core social, political, legal and economic arrangements inherited from the dictatorship. While some parts of the original constitution (those most obviously connected to the authoritarian regime) have been changed in the years following its enactment, almost all the “locks” remain in place. The issue with the legitimacy of the Chilean constitution is twofold: its legitimacy is questionable both in terms of its pedigree and in terms of its capacity to keep open the space for political action. Continue reading >>
24 October 2017

Plädoyer für eine soziale Grundsicherung in Europa

Das europäische Recht verpflichtet die Mitgliedstaaten nicht, ein System zur Existenzsicherung zu schaffen. Die Spanne zwischen den Existenzsicherungsstandards in den Mitgliedstaaten könnte dementsprechend kaum größer sein. Die Mitgliedstaaten können sich nur gemeinsam zur Existenzsicherung verpflichten. Es wäre effektiv, wenn sie dazu eine entsprechende ausdrückliche Kompetenz auf die Union übertragen würden. Deutsches Verfassungsrecht stünde dem nicht entgegen. Continue reading >>
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