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13 October 2023

Obstinate Choices

Denmark is currently going through a full-blown intelligence scandal. It includes charges of illegal activity lodged by the Danish Intelligence Oversight Board (TET) against the Danish foreign intelligence service (FE), as well as a range of criminal cases brought against the former head of FE, a former minister of defence, and a former intelligence officer on charges of leaking classified information. In this post, I argue that these scandals can best be understood through the lens of a series of obstinate choices made by the Danish government and its representatives. Seemingly, because key decision-makers lacked trust and got fed up with leaks, the situation was handled aggressively from the start, as a matter of principle. I explain the complex scandal but focus on specifics only in the case against former minister of defence, Claus Hjort Frederiksen, as his case is the most clear-cut and observable for outsiders. Continue reading >>
15 November 2016

Who are Today’s Polish Traitors? Of Politics of Paranoia and Resentment and Missed Lessons from the Past

The governing right-wing party in Poland is quick to call opponents "traitors". A look into Polish history explains how this "culture of treason" as part of politics of memory and resentment came about. Continue reading >>
04 August 2015

Range vs. Maas: Zu wenig Eingriff, nicht zu viel

Ein "unerträglicher Eingriff in die Unabhängigkeit der Justiz" hat also stattgefunden. Der amtierende Bundesjustizminister hat also den amtierenden Generalbundesanwalt zu hindern versucht, pflichtgemäß seine Arbeit zu tun und dem Verdacht auf journalistischen Landesverrat nachzugehen, nur weil ihm diese Arbeit politisch nicht in den Kram passte. Einen regelrechten Verfassungsbruch hat der Minister damit also begangen, indem er die Unabhängigkeit der Justiz brutal der Logik politischer Opportunität unterwarf. Das ist ein strammer Vorwurf und als politischer und sicherheitsadministrativer Vorgang zweifellos höchst bemerkenswert, aber inhaltlich meines Erachtens ein rechter Schmarren. Erstens ist hier von Unabhängigkeit der Justiz gar keine Rede, und zweitens hat, selbst wenn, Minister Maas in dieselbe eher zu wenig als zu viel eingegriffen. Continue reading >>
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