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Unmasking the Intractable: Exploring Anti-Racism and the Law

The joint symposium between Verfassungsblog and the critically addresses the enduring challenges of racial inequality within international and national legal frameworks. It examines the effectiveness of anti-racism laws, questioning whether their shortcomings arise from unrealistic expectations or inherent design flaws.

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The 2024 ICJ Advisory Opinion on the Occupied Palestinian Territory

The Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on the "Legal Consequences arising from the Policies and Practices of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem" was a groundbreaking moment in international law. It has consequences not only for Israel, but also for third States, as well as international and regional organizations, in terms of non-recognition and non-cooperation. In this blog symposium, Palestinian, Israeli, and other scholars take stock of the Advisory Opinion and its regional and global impact.

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Navigating Darkness

On the relational potential of legal discourse

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Durch die Dunkelheit

Das Verbindende des Rechts

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Das Projekt Bundesrepublik!

Wir starten etwas Neues: Das Projekt Bundesrepublik. Stell dir vor, die Autoritären gewinnen. Was passiert dann? Worauf müssen wir uns vorbereiten – im Bund und in den Ländern?

Dem wollen wir in unserem neuen Projekt auf den Grund gehen. Die Zeit drängt! Spende jetzt, werde Teil der VB-Community und mach dich stark — für zivilen Verfassungsschutz.

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Max Steinbeis: Die verwundbare Demokratie

Während Populisten überall auf der Welt die freiheitliche Rechtsordnung aushebeln, halten wir unsere Demokratie noch immer für unverwundbar. Die Feinde der demokratischen Vielfalt missbrauchen unter dem Vorwand, die wahren Interessen des Volkes zu vertreten, das Recht. Was droht Deutschland? Dieses Buch von Maximilian Steinbeis ist die zentrale Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse des Thüringen-Projekts und zeigt am Beispiel Thüringen, wie Populisten den freiheitlichen Staat zerstören könnten, indem sie Gesetze und Institutionen missbrauchen.

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17 October 2024

Nine Months Into Chaos

Ecuador is nine months away from the chaotic events of 9 January 2024: attacks and the seizure of a live newscast by members of organized crime, the consequent declaration of an “internal armed conflict” by the Presidency and the designation of 22 organized crime groups as “military targets”. This social and political process which has transformed the country is not yet fully understood and merits reflection on several key aspects of this ongoing dynamic.

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Apartheid or Systemic Discrimination?

This contribution argues that, reading between the lines, the expression “systemic discrimination”, which the Court referred to in para. 223 of the Advisory Opinion, was used as a synonym for “apartheid”, even though the Court did not link this description to a breach of Article 3 of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, but there does not appear to be any substantial difference between apartheid and systemic discrimination. This is because the word systemic is associated with crimes against humanity which is how apartheid is defined as a crime in international law.

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Unleashing Horizontal State Liability

The Common European Asylum System (CEAS) is under attack. In a recent Judgment against Hungary, the European Court of Justice has unambiguously stated that non-compliance with the rules of the CEAS undermines solidarity between Member States and strikes at the very heart of EU law. Traditional means of enforcement, however, seem insufficient to foster compliance with these rules. Against this backdrop, this blogpost argues for the unexplored avenue for enforcing the CEAS via horizontal state liability.

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Fundamental Rights Score a Goal

Amid the significant number of rulings delivered by the ECJ on 4 October 2024, the long-awaited judgment pitting football against the media stands out. In Real Madrid vs Le Monde, the Court held that excessive defamation damages may breach the freedom of the press and trigger the public policy exception under Brussels Ia Regulation concerning recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments. In doing so, the ECJ allowed national courts to conduct a substantive review of foreign judgments despite the principle of mutual trust, to ensure the enforcement of fundamental rights across the EU.

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The ICJ Advisory Opinion and Israeli Law

This post examines the relationship between the Advisory Opintion and Israeli law with respect to the duty to distinguish between Israel and the OPT. While the Opinion requires States to distinguish between Israel and the OPT in their dealings with Israel, and to omit acts that may strengthen Israel’s hold of the Territories, calls for such distinction are a civil tort under Israeli law, and those making them can be denied entry to Israel. As a result, Israelis are unlikely to support the Opinion. This will contribute to the growing gap between the international discourse and the domestic discourse in Israel with respect to the OPT.

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Welche Mutter, welcher Schutz?

Bei Fehlgeburten besteht derzeit kein Anspruch auf gesetzlichen Mutterschutz. Viele fordern deshalb einen gestaffelten Mutterschutz, zuletzt auch mit einer (unzulässigen) Verfassungsbeschwerde. Aus soziologischer Perspektive gehe ich im Folgenden diskursiven Implikationen dieser Forderung nach. Ein Mutterschutz nach Fehlgeburt würde Betroffenen auch symbolisch den Status einer Mutter verleihen. Was sich viele trauernde Eltern wünschen, könnte allerdings fundamentalistische Diskurse zum „Schutz des ungeborenen Lebens“ bestärken, deren Akteure das Recht auf selbstbestimmte Abtreibung einschränken möchten.

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German Police Controls and Structural Racism

Police operations such as stops are prone for patterns of racial profiling. The contribution looks into the role of the new federal police commissioner (Polizeibeauftragte des Bundes) and his tools to address this.

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16 October 2024

Admissibility Revisited

In an effort to force the European Union to adopt more ambitious climate targets, two environmental NGOs initiated a proceeding before the EU General Court, invoking the rarely used mechanism of “internal review” under the EU’s Aarhus Regulation. The reason for this unusual approach lies within a reoccurring issue of climate litigation: overcoming restrictive admissibility requirements. This new approach follows a path that had not yet been considered by legal scholarship or practice. While the line of argument is rather innovative, it goes beyond the boundaries of the Aarhus Regulation and is therefore likely to fail.

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The Findings of the ICJ Advisory Opinion on the Oslo Accords and the Amici Curiae Proceedings before the ICC in the Situation of Palestine

This article focuses on the legal findings of the ICJ concerning the Oslo II Accord, and argues in favour of its relevance in deciding the jurisdictional question raised by the UK before the International Criminal Court (ICC). It also addresses whether invoking this question through a procedure of an amicus curiae during the warrant of arrest stage fits neatly within the ICC’s procedural regime, and it concludes that it does not.

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Chancengleichheit in der Vorwahlberichterstattung

Parteien, die bei einer Wahl Erfolg haben wollen, sind darauf angewiesen, im öffentlichen Diskurs Gehör zu finden. In diesem Sommer gab es zwei Versuche, sich in eine bereits konzipierte, unmittelbar vor der Wahl stattfindende Diskussionsveranstaltung einzuklagen. Die verwaltungsgerichtlichen Entscheidungen dieser Verfahren divergieren zwar in ihrem Tenor. Beide deuten jedoch auf eine neue Linie in der Rechtsprechung zur Vorwahlberichterstattung hin, die auch für die Bundestagswahl im kommenden Jahr noch relevant werden könnte und die kritisch zu betrachten ist.

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Unmasking the Intractable

The first contribution of the online symposium explores the ineffectiveness of anti-racism laws. It raises the leading question whether their underperformance is a result of unrealistic expectations regarding the potential of law in general, or whether inherent flaws in legal design are the root cause.

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15 October 2024

Non-Recognition and Non-Assistance

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) not only made it crystal clear that Israeli occupation is illegal in every respect – by itself a challenge for Western foreign offices as they face reproaches for double standards. The Court also added a number of paragraphs detailing the legal consequences of the Advisory Opinion for UN Member States.

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Unseating the Israeli Government from the UN General Assembly in case of non-compliance with the Advisory Opinion of 19 July 2024

This post analyses the possibility of unseating the Israeli Government from the UN General Assembly in case of non-compliance with the Advisory Opinion of 19 July 2024. The Advisory Opinion provides a particularly strong legal basis – grounded primarily in the right to self-determination – to unseat Israel’s government from the General Assembly until it complies with the Opinion – as the Assembly did with South Africa fifty years ago.

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New Structure, New Priorities

Von der Leyen has recently unveiled the new structure of the next Commission. At first sight it looks like a relatively light structure composed of only three hierarchical levels: the President on top, six Executive Vice-Presidents in the middle and the Commissioners at the bottom. However, as this post will argue, the new Commission is likely to become more hierarchical and less coordinated than before. Moreover, the new structure also reflects changing priorities that will lead to a less green agenda and increased competitiveness of the EU.

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Taking Locus Standing of International Actors Seriously

On October 4th 2024 the Court of Justice issued its judgement in Front Polisario II upholding the judgement in which GC annulled Council’s decision on the conclusion of the trade agreement between European Union and Morocco. In its landmark judgement the Court acknowledged the legal standing of Front Polisario – the liberation movement representing rights of the people of Western Sahara. The Court’s findings advance the flexible and adequate approach on access to EU’s courts – and for that are worth applauding.

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Bridging the CFSP Gap

The CJEU interprets its Common Foreign and Security Policy jurisdiction in light of the objectives set by the Lisbon Treaty, thereby integrating part and parcel of the CFSP into the rest of the European Union acquis. This aligns the CFSP with the general principles and constitutional rules set in the Treaty. As the Court advances the integration of CFSP jurisdiction within the broader EU legal order, the judgements of 10 September 2024 in Neves 77 Solutions and KS and KD v Council and Others serve as landmark ruling for the future of judicial review in CFSP.

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14 October 2024

Third State obligations in the ICJ Advisory Opinion

What are the possible implications of the Advisory Opinion for the United Kingdom and Cyprus with regard to the UK’s arms and surveillance support to Israel through its military bases in Cyprus? This post argues that the third State obligations identified by the Court, including the duty not to render aid or assistance in maintaining the illegal situation, also apply to the current war in Gaza.

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The Obligation of Non-recognition, Occupation and the OPT Advisory Opinion

In the OPT Advisory Opinion, the ICJ considered that Israel’s abuse of its position as an Occupying Power, through de jure and de facto annexation of the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT) and continued frustration of the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination, renders Israel’s presence in the OPT unlawful. In determining the legal consequences of this illegal presence, the Court held by a vote of 12:3, that all States are under an obligation “not to recognize as legal the situation arising from the unlawful presence of the State Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory”. This holding was not accompanied by any concretization in either the Advisory Opinion or any of the many declarations and separate opinions attached to it.

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Populismus und Plebiszit

Im kleinsten deutschsprachigen Staat, dem Fürstentum Liechtenstein, war der Einfluss rechtspopulistischer Parteien bisher überschaubar. Doch in letzter Zeit scheinen populistische Akteure in dem alpinen Kleinstaat einen Hebel entdeckt zu haben: die direkte Demokratie. Seit 2020 gab es bereits zwölf Abstimmungen, davon allein sechs im Jahr 2024. Gerade aus einer parlamentarischen Minderheitsposition heraus instrumentalisieren rechtspopulistische Kräfte direktdemokratische Verfahren, wenn ihnen entsprechende Möglichkeiten zur Verfügung stehen.

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Wie viel Pay ist Equal Pay?

Eine Mitarbeiterin der Daimler AG hat erfolgreich auf Equal Pay geklagt: Das Arbeitsgericht Stuttgart stellte eine geschlechtsspezifische Lohndiskriminierung fest und sprach ihr die Differenz zum Medianentgelt der männlichen Vergleichsgruppe zu. Doch an wessen Gehalt orientiert sich die Nachzahlung? Diese Frage beantwortete das LAG Baden-Württemberg nun in kurioser Weise: Es sprach der Klägerin einen Ausgleich in Höhe der Differenz zwischen dem weiblichen und dem männlichen Medianentgelt zu. Eine Entscheidung, die dazu führen würde, dass Betroffene von Lohndiskriminierungen in keinem Fall ein ihnen zustehendes Spitzengehalt gerichtlich geltend machen könnten.

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