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POSTS BY Jeff King
28 June 2024

From Constitutional Crisis to Poisoned Chalice

The national elections to the UK Parliament in Westminster are scheduled for 4 July 2024, and are consequential for the constitution. Continue reading >>
28 June 2024

Von verfasstem Recht und verstecktem Gift

Am 4. Juli 2024 stehen die Wahlen des britischen Parlaments in Westminster an. Sie werden sich auf die Verfassung auswirken. Continue reading >>
08 April 2020

A Prime Minister in Hospital: the Constitutional Implications

Following the news that the British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, has been taken to hospital for treatment for COVID-19, there has been much discussion about what should happen if he should die or become incapacitated. Who would take over and how would such a successor be chosen? What is the role of Dominic Raab, the Foreign Secretary, who has been designated to deputise for him in his absence? And how do we find the answers to the above questions, given the UK has no codified Constitution to consult? Continue reading >>
14 January 2015
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Panel 6: Educating Citizens – the Choice for Paternalism

Photos and a video of the discussion. Continue reading >>
05 January 2015

Why not Nudge?

Now as ever, I agree with Cass Sunstein’s views on many matters. I above all agree that nudging is compatible with any defensible liberal idea of autonomy, and especially with the undeniable claim that nudges can often enhance autonomy in the empire of caveat emptor. Indeed, my concern is that libertarian paternalism is too libertarian, not too paternalistic. Continue reading >>
22 August 2013

Miranda’s Rights: A Guide for the Perplexed Citizen

Nach der Verhaftung des Partners eines Enthüllungsjournalisten am Flughafen Heathrow stellen viele besorgte Bürger sich die Frage, ob die britische Anti-Terror-Gesetzgebung der Regierung tatsächlich solche Aktionen erlaubt. Jeff King, Verfassungsrechtler am University College London, kommt in einer ausführlichen Analyse zu dem Schluss: Nein, das tut sie nach gegenwärtigem Stand der Erkenntnisse nicht. David Miranda könnte auf Entschädigung klagen und hätte gute Aussichten zu gewinnen - sofern es der Regierung nicht gelingt, ihre neuen Befugnisse auszuspielen, Beweismittel im nationalen Sicherheitsinteresse geheim zu halten. Continue reading >>