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POSTS BY Sanford V. Levinson
29 September 2022

The Overreaching Court

In the United States, it does not appear to be the case that the apex judiciary faces truly significant attacks on its autonomy, whatever the expressed unhappiness of an increasing number of critics. At least some would argue that the problem is precisely the opposite, that the Supreme Court has a smug sense of its own autonomy and is willing to use it with reckless indifference to the consequences for the American polity overall. Continue reading >>
27 December 2021

The Iron Cage of Veneration

From my perspective, the most fundamental question that Arato and Sajó are asking is precisely how committed lawyers and constitutionalists should be to particular political systems that do not, at least on the surface, offer any grounds for optimism that the next election will “vote the rascals out of office” and enable forward movement to achieving the grand aspirations of a liberal constitutional order. Paradoxically or not, one might have more hope about Hungary, Poland, Chile, Brazil, or other countries unafflicted by “veneration” of a constitutional system that, left unreformed, serves as an iron cage, a “clear and present danger” to the actual achievement of liberal constitutional aspirations. Continue reading >>
10 May 2017

Trump and the FBI: Four very quick questions and answers from SANFORD LEVINSON

US President Donald Trump, to the bewildered horror of many, has dismissed FBI director James Comey in the middle of an investigation about his aides' ties to Russia. Some even call this situation a constitutional crisis. We have shot Constitutional Law professor Sandy Levinson four very quick questions and received four equally short answers. Continue reading >>
03 November 2016

Is the US Constitution to blame for the Rise of Donald Trump? An Interview with SANFORD LEVINSON

"My view is that things will get worse before they get worse. Assuming Clinton wins, there will be tremendous relief and elation on November 9th. If the Republicans keep the House, on November 10th there will be the realization that this election is the most important election in our lifetimes only because of the rejection of Donald Trump. He is a real menace, of course. But in terms of an election that really breaks the logjam, no: It will be more of the same. More of this sick feeling that the national government is really incapable of responding to challenges except if Presidents can push the envelope of executive power, which will just fuel the rage of the opposition party." Continue reading >>
03 November 2016

Ist die US-Verfassung schuld am Aufstieg von Donald Trump? Ein Interview mit SANFORD LEVINSON

"Meine Ansicht ist, dass die Dinge schlimmer werden, bevor sie schlimmer werden. Unterstellt, Clinton gewinnt: Es wird enorme Erleichterung und Freude am 9. November geben, aber wenn die Republikaner das Abgeordnetenhaus halten, wird schon am 10. November die Erkenntnis einkehren, dass diese Wahl die wichtigste Wahl in unserem Leben allein deswegen war, weil wir Donald Trump verhindert haben. Er ist eine echte Bedrohung, natürlich. Aber was die Erwartung betrifft, durch die Wahl den Reformstau aufzulösen, nein: es wird nur mehr vom Gleichen geben. Mehr von diesem elenden Gefühl, dass die nationale Regierung nicht wirklich in der Lage ist, auf Herausforderungen zu reagieren…" Continue reading >>