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27 May 2023

A Return of Mainstream Politics?

The Greek election results of Sunday 21 May 2023 had a seismic effect, with many commentators juxtaposing them to the elections of 2015, when Syriza’s dramatic victory marked the overhaul of the pre-crisis political system. This time, the circle of crisis politics is said to be complete. Syriza’s devastating defeat with a margin just above 20% supposedly marks the end of a polarized era and the desire to return to ‘mainstream politics’. These elections made clear that there is currently no articulated, alternative vision of social ordering that could inspire and successfully challenge the current constellation of social forces. Continue reading >>
18 May 2020

Very Unkind Things about the German Constitutional Court’s Rebellion against the ECJ in the Quantitative Easing Case.

Much has been written about the recent German Constitutional Court (GCC) ruling which has essentially dismantled the 2018 judgement of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) over the legality of the ECB Quantitative Easing Program. Much more will be written. I will limit myself here in analysing what I believe is the “macroeconomic” essence of the ruling. Continue reading >>
06 April 2020

How Corona Aggravates the Crises of the European Union and Threatens its Existence

The corona virus is acting as a catalyst for the EU's various crises smouldering and burning for years, intertwining with them. The current corona pandemic is not only endangering people in the EU in life and limb but also the European Union as a supranational community. With unprecedented urgency, it raises the question of its legitimacy, of its raison d'être. We need now an awareness of the political and social dimension of European integration – it must result in solidarity-based action by the EU and the Member States. Continue reading >>
04 April 2020

The European Stability Mechanism is a False Solution to a Real European Problem

The conflict opposing the Northern (and Eastern) to the Southern Member States has reemerged with special animosity in the last weeks. European governments have developed deep disagreements over how to distribute the costs not only of fighting the coronavirus epidemics, but also of the socio-economic reconstruction that would be required once the public health emergence has been overcome, and which will require mobilising resources on a scale unknown since the Second World War. Continue reading >>
03 April 2020

Wie Corona die Krisen der Europäischen Union existenzbedrohend verschärft

Das Corona-Virus wirkt schon jetzt drastisch als Katalysator für die seit Jahren schwelenden und brennenden Krisen der EU, weil sie sich mit diesen verschränkt. Die gegenwärtige Corona-Pandemie gefährdet nicht nur die Menschen in der EU an Leib und Leben, sondern die Europäische Union als supranationale Gemeinschaft, weil sie die Frage nach ihrer Legitimation, ihrer Daseinsberechtigung, in ungekannter Dringlichkeit aufwirft. Zentral geht es um ein Bewusstsein für die politische und soziale Dimension des europäischen Integrationsprozesses, das in solidarischem Handeln von EU und Mitgliedstaaten münden muss oder enden wird. Continue reading >>
11 December 2018

Combatting TINA-Rhetoric through Judicial Review: Dealing with Pay Cuts in Times of Financial Consolidation

Recently, the German Federal Constitutional Court has decided that certain cuts on wages for civil servants in the Land Baden-Württemberg are unconstitutional. The judgment establishes a constitutional answer to the so-called “there is no alternative” (TINA) rhetoric that has largely dominated the political discourse on budgetary consolidation in the past. From this perspective, this line of jurisprudence allows for opening up a political and constitutional discourse that has become somewhat colonized by purely economic and financial considerations. Continue reading >>
13 July 2018

Order in the Eurozone: MAURIZIO FERRERA and CLAUS OFFE in Conversation

A German-Italian exchange on the dysfunctionalities of the European Monetary Union and the ongoing social and political crisis particularly in Southern Europe. Continue reading >>
14 November 2017

Losing to the European Union: A Review of Yanis Varoufakis’ Book “Adults in the Room”

Varoufakis gives a detailed account of a saga that gripped international public opinion two years ago, propelled him to international stardom and ended in economic and social disaster for the Greeks. The book is readable and interesting, even if it is full of the author’s familiar hyperbolic statements. It will be of value to anyone with an interest the Eurozone crisis, and especially to British readers who are concerned about Brexit. The parallels between Varoufakis’ ideologically motivated clash with the EU and the British government’s similarly confrontational attitude with the EU are too obvious to miss.  Continue reading >>
21 September 2016

CJEU Opens Door to Legal Challenges to Euro Rescue Measures in Key Decision

The Ledra Advertising decision by the European Court of Justice breaks down the barrier between European institutions and international-treaty based structures that have sprang up to deal with the needs of euro-area crisis response. This opens the door to legal challenges to the bailout programmes of the EFSF/ESM offering an avenue to a plethora of claimants to unpick the questionable legal underpinnings of conditionality and austerity policies. Continue reading >>
22 July 2016

10 (pro-EU) reasons to be cheerful after Brexit

As the dust continues to swirl around the momentous Brexit referendum result a month ago (and doesn’t show any signs of settling anytime soon) I suspect many EU sympathisers will be somewhere in the middle of the various stages of the Kübler-Ross Grief cycle: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance. So, somewhat incongruosly, are the ‘leavers’. Whereas there are almost as many emotions being experienced on all sides as there are potential options on what will happen next both in terms of the UK’s future relationship with the EU as well as the future of the EU itself, in this post I want to set out a number of (pro-EU) reasons – some obvious, some optimistic, others wildly speculative – to be cheerful amidst the uncertainty created by the Brexit vote. Continue reading >>
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