08 January 2020
European Solidarity Statement with Academics and Students in India
We are students, scholars, and academics at European universities who [...] Continue reading >>
22 June 2019
France Criminalises Research on Judges
In March, France made a controversial move and became the first country in the world to explicitly ban research on individual judicial behaviour. It is now a criminal offence to ‘evaluate, analyse, compare or predict’ the behaviour of individual judges. The result is a flagrant violation of the freedom of expression, represents an affront to basic values of academic freedom, and disregards basic principles of the rule of law. Continue reading >>15 June 2019
Being a Good Dictator is not so Easy
On investigative journalists, homeless people, aberrant academics and other sources of civic unrest and discomfort. Continue reading >>01 February 2018
Calling Murders by Their Names as Criminal Offence – a Risk of Statutory Negationism in Poland
On the eve of the Holocaust Remembrance Day on 27th of January, the Polish Sejm approved a law on the defamation of the Polish State and Nation, causing extremely harsh reactions from Israel, Holocaust survivors and international organizations. While the attempt to ban the use of the word "Polish concentration camp" seems fully justified, the scope of the law goes way beyond that and is a threat to the freedom of speech and academic research. Continue reading >>
29 April 2017
Much Ado About Nothing? Legal and Political Schooling for the Hungarian Government
After his infamous law against the Central European University, the EU Commission has announced a treaty infringement procedure against Hungary. That will probably be of limited help against the systemic threat to the rule of law in Viktor Orbán's state. Politically more effective might be the pressure exerted by the European People's Party. Continue reading >>
17 May 2016