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12 July 2021
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The Limits of Indirect Deterrence of Asylum Seekers

The ECtHR judgment M.A. v. Denmark is significant for several reasons. Firstly, because it adds to an already growing international criticism of Denmark’s asylum and immigration policy. Secondly, because the judgment helps clarify the Court’s position on an issue, family reunification for refugees, where case law has hitherto been somewhat ambiguous, and where several European States have introduced new restrictions since 2015. Third, and finally, the judgment represents – to paraphrase Harold Koh - another “way station…in the complex enforcement” of migrant and refugee rights by international human rights institutions. Continue reading >>
03 June 2021

From Denmark to Damascus

In recent weeks, Denmark made international headlines with its refusal to extend residence permits for Syrian subsidiary protection holders in Denmark from the Damascus province. Denmark’s emergence as the first state in Europe to end the protection of Syrians on the basis of improved conditions in the wider Damascus area is the result of a self-described ‘paradigm shift’ in Danish refugee policy dating back to 2015. Continue reading >>
21 December 2020

Still Waters Run Deep

That lawsuits taken by a Hungarian human rights NGO can reach the CJEU swifter than those launched by the Commission is clear evidence that strategic litigation and determined advocacy can move mountains. At the same time, this is also a cause for great concern. It speaks volumes of the Commission’s reluctance to promptly and effectively go after a Member State that deliberately ignores and breaches EU law. Continue reading >>
02 October 2020

The Global Politics of Refugee Protection and Return

Voluntary, safe and dignified return is one of the durable solutions to forced displacement and, thus, hosting states have the responsibility to provide international protection to refugees until the conditions for voluntary repatriation are met. Premature or forced return that is falling short of international standards would mean a violation of the principle of non-refoulement. Current global governance of forced displacement impeding seeking asylum, delaying resettlement, and facilitating return ends up violating the very founding principles of the international refugee regime while exposing refugees and asylum-seekers to violence and higher risks. Continue reading >>
11 September 2020

Preserve the Ashes of Moria

The Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church on the Kurfürstendamm in Berlin has famously left in ruins after its bombing during World War II. If Moria too is left destroyed, it will at least provide the semblance of such a memorial for catastrophe. Unlike with the church, this will not be due to a grand political choice and a historical victory, but will nevertheless serve as a reminder, for those of us who look for it, of a torturous bureaucracy and a large revolt against it. Continue reading >>
09 June 2020
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Hypocritical and Illegitimate

In March, the German Ministry for Transport and Infrastructure (‘Ministry’) amended a number of ship safety laws. While appearing standard at first glance, they are the latest attempt to obstruct the operations of civil sea-rescue NGOs, which is why this week the affected NGOs went public with their outrage at this development. Continue reading >>
22 May 2020

Watching the Peacock Dance

Why is Viktor Orbán suddenly making nice with the ECJ and closing the Röszke camp? I don't know. But I have some suspicions. Continue reading >>
03 April 2020

Corona Constitutional #3: Europa am Beatmungsschlauch

In der Coronakrise bündelt sich wie in einem Brennglas fast alles, was in der EU in den letzten zehn Jahren schief gelaufen ist: Finanzkrise, Flüchtlingsschutz, Rechtsstaatlichkeit. KATHARINA MANGOLD im Gespräch mit Max Steinbeis über das, was jetzt für die europäische Integration auf dem Spiel steht. Continue reading >>
17 March 2020

Wie die EU ihre Souveränität, ihre Werte und Flüchtlinge schützen kann

Die Vorkommnisse an der griechisch-türkischen Grenze machen deutlich: die EU braucht dringend einen neuen Plan im Umgang mit Flüchtlingen in der Region um Syrien. Das europäische Vorgehen muss dabei nicht nur realistisch sein, sondern ein demokratisches und menschenrechtliches Gegenmodell zum populistischen Abschotten bieten. Continue reading >>
04 March 2020

Die Herrschaft des Rechts an der EU-Außengrenze?

Herrscht an der griechisch-türkischen Grenze ein rechtlicher Ausnahmezustand, der Menschenrechte und rechtsstaatliche Gewährleistungen außer Kraft setzen kann? Die Antwort ist klar: Nein. Die Zustände an der griechisch-türkische Grenze und auf den Inseln in der nordöstlichen Ägäis sind keine humanitäre Katastrophe, die vom Himmel gefallen ist. Gewalt, pushbacks, Internierungen und elende Zustände in völlig überfüllten Lagern sind menschen- und staatsgemachte Verletzungen fundamentaler Rechte, die durch nichts gerechtfertigt sind. Continue reading >>
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