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28 September 2022

The Shadow of the Past, the Challenges of the Future

The outcome of Italy's election has caused worried reactions and general alarm both across Italy and internationally. It is the first time since the dark days of fascism that a right-wing party has won the general election and will likely head the government. It is undoubtedly a turning point in Italian politics and history, a radical shift in the political spectrum. Is Italy’s constitutional system resilient enough to deal with the post-fascist legacy of Brothers of Italy? Is Italian democracy in danger? Three days after the elections we have to be cautious with any such predictions, but I think some preliminary answers are possible already at this early stage. Continue reading >>
27 September 2022

Defending the Judiciary

The strategies of judicial resistance employed by the Polish judiciary after 2015 are diverse and complementary. They respond to changing and intensifying the pressure of political power on the judiciary. They are a consequence of the judgments of the CJEU and the ECHR concerning the administration of justice in Poland. Continue reading >>
27 September 2022

Coping Strategies of the Hungarian Constitutional Court since 2010

The very first step of Viktor Orbán’s Fidesz party after its 2010 electoral victory towards an ‘illiberal’ constitutional regime was to substantially limit the once very broad review powers of the Constitutional Court. The Fidesz government also started to pack the formerly activist Court with loyalist. By 2013 was appointed by Fidesz. Before 2013, the Court used some cautious strategies to keep a certain autonomy in the midst of threats to lose its independent status altogether by becoming part of the Supreme Court. Continue reading >>
16 September 2022

Wholly Autonomously

Is the German Judiciary as Independent as it Should be? Continue reading >>
12 September 2022

Pandering to peoples’ emotions is no solution

Poland’s next parliamentary elections will be held in autumn 2023. Polish academics are currently discussing how to repair the country's judiciary if the PiS government gets voted out of office. In this blogpost, Marcin Matczak offers a personal account of the on-going debate and advocates for a pragmatic rather than an emotional response. Continue reading >>
10 September 2022

Frontex and ‘Algorithmic Discretion’ (Part II)

Part I of this contribution explains how the regulatory design of the European Travel Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS) raises issues in relation to the rule of law principle of legality. Essentially, the ETIAS screening rules algorithm illustrates how automation can lead to what I suggest is a new form of arbitrariness. Part II reflects on how these legality issues affect other rule of law principles, including the principle of effective judicial protection. In turn, it raises three accountability issues and calls into question the assumption that the safeguard of manual processing in case of a ‘hit’ is a panacea for all rule of law challenges stemming from this semi-automated decision-making. Continue reading >>
10 September 2022

Frontex and ‘Algorithmic Discretion’ (Part I)

This contribution, presented in two parts, offers a predictive glimpse into future rule of law challenges due to the European Border and Coast Guard Agency’s (Frontex) primary responsibility for the automated processing and screening rules of the soon-to-be-operational European Travel Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS) at the EU’s external borders. . In Part I on legality, I argue that the ETIAS screening rules algorithm illustrates how automation can lead to what I suggest is a new form of arbitrariness – which I refer to as ‘algorithmic discretion’. This can be defined as a situation where the exercise of power and discretion and their limitations are not sufficiently specified at the legislative level but are delegated to an algorithm instead. Continue reading >>
09 September 2022

In a Handful of Dust

Ukraine, France, the EU, and the Revegetation of the Wasteland Continue reading >>
07 September 2022

Here We Stand

On Sunday, 28 August 2022, four major associations of European judges announced that they would challenge the Council’s Decision of 17 June that releases funds to Poland to help it recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. The four associations are seeking to prevent the release of recovery funds to Poland until it has complied with the Court’s judgments in full. Whether their action has any chance of success will depend on how the Court applies the long-standing Plaumann criteria. Continue reading >>
05 September 2022

Innere Geschlossenheit um jeden Preis

Am 29. August 2022 sprach Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz an der Karls-Universität in Prag über seine europapolitische Zukunftsvision. Auf der Grundlage des völkerrechtswidrigen Angriffskriegs auf die Ukraine stellte er vier Grundüberlegungen vor, welche sich mit den Begriffen Erweiterung der Europäischen Union, Souveränität, Einigkeit und Wertefundament zusammenfassen lassen. Während sein Plädoyer für die eine erweiterte, souveräne und nach innen geschlossene EU entschlossen und energisch wirkte, blieben seine Ausführungen zum Wertefundament der EU erstaunlich knapp. Weder ging er konkret auf die schwerwiegenden Rechtsstaatlichkeitsprobleme in Polen und Ungarn ein, auf die die Europäische Kommission in ihren neusten Rule of Law Reports erneut hinwies. Noch erscheinen seine Vorschläge zur Abstellung bestehender rechtsstaatlicher Defizite in allen Mitgliedsstaaten überzeugend. Continue reading >>
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