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27 November 2024

Made-Up Principles

The Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi Bill sparked remarkable protest in Parliament itself where Māori lawmakers used haka, a traditional Māori dance form, demonstrating strength and unity (the video went viral). It was also a key focus of what was likely the largest political protest ever seen at New Zealand’s Parliament, with 40,000-50,000 people descending on Parliament grounds and the surrounding streets on 19 November 2024. The Bill is so controversial because it would mean a change to the way in which rights and obligations under the Treaty of Waitangi are recognised in New Zealand law. Continue reading >>
20 December 2023

Can Germany Remain Silent?

Is Germany legally obligated to condemn violations of international humanitarian law? This argument was recently put forward in an article on Verfassungsblog. Elsewhere it was claimed that Germany, along with other States failing to utilize their full repertoire of diplomatic options (including “[calling] for a permanent ceasefire”), is in breach of its own IHL-responsibilities. Admittedly, international law does have a say when organs of States speak. Nevertheless, the intricacies of this matter go beyond first impression. I submit that such a duty is not as easy to derive in the present case as is suggested by opposing views. Continue reading >>
27 March 2023

The Quality of Sovereignty

It can generally be agreed that the purpose of sovereignty is to enable a government to protect the best interests of its citizens. To what extent did UK membership of the EU preclude this? In the context of the EU, the discussion on sovereignty tends to focus on quantity – the greater the scope of action of the EU and its institutions, the lower the sovereignty of the member states. From this perspective, sovereignty is a zero-sum affair – less means less. However, sovereignty can also be assessed from a qualitative perspective, with a focus on its quality, or character, rather than its scope. Continue reading >>
21 March 2023

Post-Brexit Sovereignty

In thinking about sovereignty within the United Kingdom, it is helpful to separate out two ways in which sovereignty has historically been identified in both the United Kingdom and elsewhere. Sovereignty is, first, a power over others, most notably absolute and final authority over a territory. If this allows those holding it to achieve considerable things, it also generates apprehension as it allows them to do many things to others. Sovereignty is, secondly, a constitutive power. Continue reading >>
18 October 2022

Is Taiwan a State?

Taiwan just celebrated its national day on 10 October 2022. In her speech, President Tsai Ing-wen traced the Republic of China’s resettling in Taiwan in 1949, to its democratization in the 1980s and 1990s, the latter of which transformed it into the Republic of China (Taiwan). Tsai also cautioned the People’s Republic of Chinas (the PRC) “attempts to erase the sovereignty of the Republic of China (Taiwan) have threatened the status quo of peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait and the region.” In contrast, in its “White Paper on Taiwan Question and the Unification of China in a New Era,” the PRC reiterated its longstanding position that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China, and cited United Nations (UN) Resolution 2758 to advance its so-called “One China Principle” internationally. Continue reading >>
08 September 2020

A Test for Sovereignty after Brexit

Speaking in the House of Commons on the eve of the publication of the Internal Market Bill and in response to an urgent question, the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland Brandon Lewis stated that ‘Yes, this does break international law in a very specific and limited way'. Can the UK, by domestic legislation, limit the direct effect of the Withdrawal Agreement? Continue reading >>
17 August 2019

The Constitutional Siege on Article 370

On August 5, India revoked Article 370, a controversial provision in the Indian Constitution, which happened to be the only link between the State of Jammu & Kashmir and the Indian Union. After its revocation, the Union parliament passed a bill to reorganise the State into two federally administered Union Territories, a move which some have labelled as “illegal occupation” of the State. Continue reading >>
10 May 2019

Eurofederalists under Threat: The Latvian Supreme Court’s Ruling on Independence

On 10 April 2019, Latvia's highest criminal court confirmed a judgment of the Riga Regional Court which convicted the accused for publicly inviting to take action against the national independence of the Republic of Latvia. This decision of the Senate not only contradicts European and international human rights law but is also inconsistent with the case law of Latvia’s Constitutional Court. Continue reading >>
27 June 2018

In Praise of Limiting Democracy: a Defense of ISDS

With the UK Parliament debating CETA and the CJEU hearing arguments on the compatibility of EU law with the dispute resolution provisions, investor-state dispute resolution (ISDS) is very much in the news again. Many seem to be concerned about the integrity of the nation state, the ability of the people (within national boundaries) to order and determine their fates. Why should we not view ISDS as a threat to national wellbeing? The reason is that sometimes we need constraints on sovereign discretion. Continue reading >>
22 December 2015

Die EU rüstet auf: Außengrenzschutz der nächsten Generation

Als Teil eines umfassenden Legislativpakets schlägt die Europäische Kommission vor, notfalls auch ohne oder gegen den Willen des betroffenen europäischen Küstenstaates EU-Grenzschutzoperationen durchzuführen. Der erwartete Aufschrei potentiell betroffener Staaten zum Erhalt ihrer domaine reservé in Sachen souveräner Grenzsicherung ließ nicht lange auf sich warten. Der Vorschlag bringt zwar einige Neuerungen. Letztendlich vertieft die Kommissionsvision allerdings nur die hybride Grenzschutzstruktur, statt (endlich) den Weg eines konsequenten einheitlichen supranationalen Grenzschutzes einzuschlagen. Continue reading >>
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