12 August 2024
On the Basis of ‘Backwardness’
Following the reinstatement of a quota system that reserved 56% of vacancies in public service posts for former freedom fighters by the High Court of Bangladesh, students in Bangladesh have demanded reformation of the quota system. On 21 July, the Supreme Court of Bangladesh overturned the decision by the High Court and ordered the government to limit the quota to 7%. It thereby eliminated the quota of 10% previously reserved for women. This reflects a dangerously narrow conception of equality which could negatively impact Bangladesh’s use of special measures such as quotas to redress women’s subordinated status. Continue reading >>
19 June 2016
ICON*S 2016 Conference, Session 2: “Inequalities” with SUSANNE BAER, CATHARINE MACKINNON and PRATAP BHANU MEHTA
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31 October 2012
Racial Profiling is unconstitutional
It can be debated, whether it merely constitutes an act [...] Continue reading >>