14 September 2018
WTO Option in Practice: How a No-Deal Brexit Would Seriously Damage Key UK Industries
Whilst a no-deal Brexit seemed unrealistic in the immediate aftermath of the UK’s referendum, it seems that now the UK is bracing itself for a Brexit without a withdrawal or transition agreement. What would that mean for the UK's trade relations with the EU and other countries and how would it affect some of the UK's key industries? Continue reading >>
11 March 2018
Stahl und Whiskey – ein transatlantischer Handelskrieg?
US-Präsident Trump hat am 8. März Zusatzzölle auf Einfuhren von Stahl und Aluminium bekanntgegeben, die zu weltweiter Empörung geführt haben. Die EU hat schon “Gegenmaßnahmen” angekündigt. Wie sind beide im welthandelsrechtlichen Kontext einzuordnen? Stehen wir vor einem transatlantischen Handelskrieg? Continue reading >>25 January 2017
Sailing uncharted waters – for how long? On transitional post-Brexit trade arrangements
Given the short timeframe for negotiating an exit agreement, the UK and the EU-27 may not be able to agree on new terms for their future trade relations before the UK’s formal exit from the EU takes effect. Consequently, many experts are pushing for a transitional arrangement. Continue reading >>16 December 2009