A War By Any Other Name
How Russian Law Shapes Language and Instills Silence
Why should anyone care about Russian law? Few areas of study seem as futile now as Russian constitutional law. If someone needed definite proof that Russia is governed at whim of a single person, one could look no further than the televised session of the country’s Security Council in the ill-fated days of February 2022. The pathetic shivering and mumbling of the top officials revealed that Russia has lost any semblance of its constitutional structure. Any suggestion that formal Russian law warrants serious research would thus seem laughable.
And yet I would argue that it does. Formal law is a key interface of the regime. Therefore, studying it can help us better understand its nature. That includes avoiding the temptation of consigning Putin’s regime to the world of the past. Timothy Snyder made a potent argument that today’s Russia is a fascist state. Indeed, there are many similarities between the right-wing authoritarian regimes of the past and Putin’s one. However, it is set apart by distinct features, which are a product of the current era. Precisely these features are especially dangerous as they could prove enticing to many populists and would-be authoritarians. One particular feature I will discuss in this editorial is the use of formal law to denigrate regime critics and to instill fear. This topic seems relatively neglected in comparison to the study of Russian propaganda. Yet, in my opinion, it is no less important for the functioning of the regime.
The name-calling laws
The language of today’s Russia seems like a variation of Orwellian newspeak. Even in everyday conversations most people prefer not to call war by its name, but rather use the artificial term ‘special military operation’. Yet, this was not achieved by creating and forcefully imposing an obligatory narrative. The government’s approach was much simpler: Instead of turning all media into propaganda machinery, the state simply discriminated against or outrightly criminalized those who deviated from government positions. This has led the (remaining) non-state media and members of the public to proactively censor themselves.
The first discriminatory measure against opposition narratives was adopted back in 2007. Media were obliged to spell out that a particular entity was designated ‘terrorist’ or ‘extremist’ each time it was mentioned. Over time, the lists of ‘terrorist’ and ‘extremist’ entities grew to over 100 names, including Jehovah’s Witnesses and supporters of Alexey Navalny. In 2012, the Russian legislature mandated NGOs receiving funding from abroad (unless belonging to an exempted category) to designate themselves as ‘foreign agents’. The Council of Europe’s Commissioner for Human Rights in her submission to the European Court of Human Rights noted that this measure helped create ‘an atmosphere of mistrust, fear and hostility’. Eventually, the authorities themselves started giving out ‘foreign agent’ designations to entities and individuals. Currently the lists include several hundred names. While a ‘foreign agent’ label can only be placed on a Russian organization or private citizen, foreign entities are labeled ‘undesirable’. From 2015 onwards, the authorities have named 55 ‘undesirables’. Starting from late 2020, media are obliged to mention a ‘foreign agent’ or ‘undesirable’ designation.
Failure to participate in this state-sanctioned name-calling will cost a media outlet dearly. Two violations within a year can lead to a license being withdrawn. Designated individuals and organizations likewise have to place a ‘foreign agent’ label everywhere (including posts and comments on social media), on the pain of fines and potential criminal prosecution. The laws created a perverse atmosphere, where even the opposition-leaning outlets would put denigrating labels on themselves or the protagonists of their stories.
The key purpose of the name-calling laws is to denigrate their targets, to distinguish them as an alien element in the society. That purpose is achieved at relatively low cost. Instead of completely obliterating the opposition-leaning media, the state ensures compliant use of language across the media sector. A more niche use of such practices includes the ban on ‘LGBT propaganda’ among children and a prohibition on comparing the Soviet Union with the Nazi Germany.
From name-calling to silencing
After the Government needed to drastically increase the scope of compliance in the wake of the Ukraine war, it had the option to introduce a priori censorship and to limit media space to a few state-controlled outlets. Such steps would have been in line with the martial law regulations. Yet, this route was not taken. Several major opposition-leaning media outlets were taken off air. Others (mostly foreign-based) were blocked. However, an ordinary Russian with Internet access (which a vast majority has) can easily access all kinds of information through Youtube or the Telegram messaging app. Sharing this information, though, is another story. People have reasons to believe that doing so can expose them to danger. This is precisely the chilling effect that most restrictions on the freedom of speech seek to achieve.
A slate of repressive laws, adopted in early March, doubles down on earlier practices of ensuring language compliance. The laws target not only media or select individuals, but everyone in the Russian jurisdiction. Now they could be liable for ‘Denigrating the Armed Forces’ or ‘Spreading misinformation on the use of the Armed Forces abroad’. Possible legal consequences range from hefty fines to long prison terms. Since their adoption, the new laws are in daily use by law enforcement. However, it is doubtful that persecutions alone would have been sufficient to ensure compliance. I argue that the intended chilling effect was achieved due to the earlier success of the name-calling laws. The media was already primed to watch its language. With the advent of the new repressive legislation, it either avoided ‘controversial’ topics in the first place or merely reproduced government releases. Private individuals followed suit by consciously censoring themselves.
The compliance achieved in Putin’s Russia is thus distinct from one in totalitarian regimes of the 20th century. Instead of actively reproducing state narratives and participating in state-sanctioned practices, an individual is expected to do nothing. Rather than a storm-trooper, a model citizen is a cynical couch potato, who avoids anything remotely political.
Today, this model of compliance might be more dangerous than a resurrection of fascism. It might be both easier to achieve and stabilize over time. Establishing and maintaining totalitarian structures is, after all, a costly enterprise. It requires significant organizational effort and administrative skill. It is no coincidence that very few totalitarian regimes survived beyond their mid-20th century heyday. In contrast, a combination of propaganda with formal regulations targeting opposition narratives can be achieved through the existing state apparatus. Thus, it is relatively cheap and feasible for the many authoritarian regimes around the world. What is thus the lesson Russia’s recent history might teach us? It is as simple as the strategy of Russia’s repression itself: If governments start policing language, we need to be on high alert – it may be a step towards something much worse.
Dmitry Kurnosov, University of Helsinki
Gestalten Sie mit uns Spitzenforschung! Die Abteilung Öffentliches Recht des Max-Planck-Instituts zur Erforschung von Kriminalität, Sicherheit und Recht in Freiburg i. Br. (Direktor: Prof. Dr. Ralf Poscher) sucht zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt mehrere Doktorand*innen (w/m/d) und Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeitende in Vollzeit mit Möglichkeit zur Habilitation (w/m/d). Unser Institut bietet Ihnen einzigartige Forschungsbedingungen wie z. B. Zugang zu einer weltweit renommierten Spezialbibliothek und zu einem umfassenden Angebot deutscher und ausländischer Rechtsprechungs- und Literaturdatenbanken.
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