POSTS BY Adam Bodnar
30 November 2020

Time Is of the Essence

The announced veto of the Hungarian and Polish governments on the EU multi-annual budget and the European recovery fund has caused a major stir in recent days in Europe. The conditionality mechanism is designed to safeguard the Union’s financial interests and complements the existing political and judicial mechanisms. It is expedient to review the state of play of the procedures in place and, if necessary, to pose questions, whether they stand up to the challenges posed by developments in the respective countries, if they are carried out in a timely manner and focus on genuine effectiveness. Continue reading >>
07 October 2020
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LawRules #3: We need to talk about Disciplinary Proceedings

Disciplinary proceedings against judges can be a blunt but efficient way to force the independent judiciary under the control of an authoritarian government. How does this work? What can be done against it? What safeguards can be implemented? This is what we discuss this week with the outgoing Polish Ombudsman ADAM BODNAR, with the Slovenian Supreme Court judge and CCJE President NINA BETETTO and with the Spanisch scholar and administrative law professor SUSANA DE LA SIERRA. Continue reading >>
07 July 2020

Strasbourg Steps in

In recent months, the European Court of Human Rights has communicated to the Government of the Republic of Poland several important cases concerning changes in the judiciary. Potential Strasbourg judgements may be important in containing further undermining of the independence of the judiciary and may complement measures taken at the European Union level. Continue reading >>
08 May 2020

Corona Constitutional #22: Hat Kaczyński sich verrechnet?

An diesem Sonntag wird in Polen ein neuer Präsident gewählt. Offiziell. Die Sache ist nur, dass an diesem Sonntag in Polen kein neuer Präsident gewählt wird. Die Regierung hat keine Wahl organisiert bekommen, will stattdessen vom Obersten Gerichtshof diese Wahl-Nichtwahl für ungültig erklären lassen, dahinter steckt ein elaboriertes politisches Kalkül, das aber im ganz großen Stil schief gehen könnte. Extrem spannende und riskante Zeiten also in Polen, und darüber spricht Max Steinbeis in der heutigen Folge unseres Krisenpodcasts mit einem Mann, der seit vielen Jahren als eine der letzten von der Regierungspartei PiS unabhängigen Institutionen des Staates gegen den Zerfall der Rechtsstaatlichkeit ankämpft, nämlich mit dem Bürgerrechtsbeauftragten ADAM BODNAR, der obendrein auch noch eine Botschaft an das deutsche Bundesverfassungsgericht mitgebracht hat. Continue reading >>
26 January 2018

Free Men and Genuine Judges will Remember about Free Courts

The story of Judge Stanisław Zabłocki of the Supreme Court, told by Ombudsman Adam Bodnar – a cenotaph to judicial indepenence in the Republic of Poland. Continue reading >>
26 February 2015

Poland: trust no one but the law

The Strasbourg court has found that Poland violated the European [...] Continue reading >>
01 February 2015

CIA Torture Sites in Poland: Thirty Million Dollars for Torture Victims

According to the US Senate report into the CIA rendition programme and prisons, US authorities paid 30 million dollars to Polish secret services in return for the opportunity to establish and operate the CIA detention facility in Stare Kiejkuty. Our country clearly has a lesson to learn. This lesson is to create a comprehensive assistance programme for victims of torture. A sum of 30 million dollars should be enough to finance such a system over the few years following its establishment. Continue reading >>
01 February 2015

CIA Torture Sites in Poland: Thirty Million Dollars for Torture Victims

According to the US Senate report into the CIA rendition programme and prisons, US authorities paid 30 million dollars to Polish secret services in return for the opportunity to establish and operate the CIA detention facility in Stare Kiejkuty. Our country clearly has a lesson to learn. This lesson is to create a comprehensive assistance programme for victims of torture. A sum of 30 million dollars should be enough to finance such a system over the few years following its establishment. Continue reading >>
28 May 2014

Why EU-friendly Poland showed so little voter turnout at the EP elections

The Polish society is still a beneficiary of the European integration. We take advantage of the output legitimacy of the system. EU money has a substantial impact on the situation of farmers, infrastructure investments (highways, railway, modern buildings, renovation of cities) or numerous social cohesion programs. But there is a general feeling that support by the EU budget is the most natural thing, like oxygen in the air. We deserve it due to our democratic transformation path. That is the reason why more than 80% of the Polish population support European integration. But at the same time, there is no feeling of responsibility for the whole European project. Continue reading >>
09 March 2014

Wahlrechtsausschluss für Entmündigte: Auf Polen kommt Ärger zu

Am 25. Mai 2014 wird auch in Polen die Wahl zum Europaparlament abgehalten. Menschen, die unter Vormundschaft stehen, dürfen nicht teilnehmen, weil das vom Parlament beschlossene polnische Wahlgesetz sie illegalerweise vom Wahlrecht ausschließt. Das könnte für Polen teuer werden.President of Poland Bronisław Komorowski has recently announced that the European Parliament elections would be held on 25 May 2014. Incapacitated persons won’t be able to cast their votes because the Electoral Code statute adopted by Polish Parliament has illegally deprived them of their voting rights. This may cost Poland a lot of money. Continue reading >>