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POSTS BY Stefan Salomon
09 May 2023

Passengers Name Records and Security

The EU Passenger Name Records Directive is based on the logic of preventive security. Th CJEU ruling, Ligue des droits humains, offers an opportunity for national judges to question more radically the idea of generalised preventive security that seeks to anticipate human behaviour through the creation of risk profiles and statistical correlations (instead of causality). Continue reading >>
08 May 2023
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The Future of the European Security Architecture: A Debate Series

This debate series is dedicated to Ligue des Droits Humains – a case in which the Court of Justice of the European Union decided on the fate of one of the main drivers of this development: the Directive on on the use of passenger name record (PNR) data for the prevention, detection, investigation and prosecution of terrorist offences and serious crime. The PNR Directive, being one of the first major EU-wide examples of predictive policing, is not just interesting in itself. It exemplifies the emergence and gradual consolidation of a new security architecture in Europe. Continue reading >>
29 January 2022

The Racialized Borders of the Netherlands

The principal function of borders in immigration law is to distinguish between persons and goods which are permitted to enter a territory and those which are not. I call this the filtering function of the border. In this short contribution, I enquire into how this filtering function of the border operates in the context of border controls in the Netherlands. More specifically, I argue that the way border controls are performed in the Netherlands structurally produces racialized subjects. Continue reading >>
22 August 2021
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Warum schutzbedürftige Afghaninnen einen Rechtsanspruch auf ein Einreisevisum gegenüber Deutschland haben

Der Konflikt in Afghanistan zeigt, vielleicht sogar deutlicher als andere Konflikte, wie eng die Ausübung souveräner Kompetenzen Deutschlands mit den Leben der afghanischen Bevölkerung verflochten ist. Der Bundeswehreinsatz Deutschlands in Afghanistan stellt die Ausübung souveräner Kernkompetenzen dar: die Durchsetzung außenpolitischer Sicherheitsinteressen. Die Verflechtung konkreter außenpolitischer Sicherheitsinteressen Deutschlands mit den Leben der Bevölkerung in Afghanistan offenbart sich auf mehreren Ebenen. Continue reading >>
28 June 2017

Normality and Exception: The Advocate General’s Opinion in A.S. and Jafari

On 8 June 2017, Advocate General Eleanor Sharpston delivered her Opinion in a case that goes to the core of what (infamously) came to be known as ‘refugee crisis’. On a broader, more systemic, level, the Opinion could be read as a history of the present bringing to the fore issues of geographical hierarchies and injustice and solidarity inscribed into the structure of EU law. Continue reading >>
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