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20 November 2020
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So It Goes – Part II

This week, the Hungarian and Polish governments vetoed the critical elements of the European Multi-Annual Financial Framework and Recovery Fund that required the unanimous consent of European Union Member States. Prime Minister Orbán had been threatening this veto ever since the European Commission proposed to link the distribution of these funds to comply with the rule of law. The Brussels veto this week coincided with a domestic legal blitz in Budapest as a major constitutional amendment, and a flurry of new laws and decrees appeared all at once. The two legal events are related. Continue reading >>
03 July 2020

Minority Power

On electoral law, parliamentary law and other nerdy aspects of contemporary German politics. Continue reading >>
28 June 2020

Faithless Electors

As the U.S. Supreme Court term draws to a close, one set of eagerly watched cases could have potential implications for the upcoming presidential election in the United States. The Court is poised to decide two cases that involve so-called “faithless” electors. Electors are the people whose votes select the President of the United States, and the electors in these cases refused to cast their votes for the presidential candidate who won the popular vote in their home states. Continue reading >>
12 May 2020

A Risky Gamble

There may never have been an idea whose time has so obviously come than mail-in voting in the COVID-19 era. However, a major risk confronting the nation as it scrambles at the last minute to move from primarily in-person to primarily mail-in is the risk of leaving logistical and legal details open to political manipulation in highly unpredictable fashion. Continue reading >>
22 April 2020

Corona Constitutional #14: Chaos, und wem es nützt

Heute geht es um Wahlen, genauer um Wahlen in den USA, wo sich im November herausstellen wird, ob Donald Trump eine zweite Amtszeit bekommt. Wahlen in der Coronakrise, das ist auch anderenorts ein außerordentlich haariges Thema, und in Amerika ganz besonders: Im Bundesstaat Wisconsin haben die Demokraten kürzlich ihre Vorwahlen abgehalten. In den Streit darüber, wie diese Wahlen ablaufen sollen, hat sich der Supreme Court eingeschaltet, und zwar auf eine Weise, die bei vielen den ohnehin schon vorhandenen Zweifel daran, dass das oberste Gericht politisch unparteiisch unterwegs ist, noch mal massiv verstärkt hat. Was es mit diesen Zweifeln auf sich hat und was das für die Präsidentschaftswahl bedeuten könnte, darüber spricht Max Steinbeis mit DAVID DRIESEN, Professor an der Syracuse University im Bundesstaat New York. Continue reading >>
30 January 2020

Can Elections be Held under Unconstitutional Electoral Law?

After the collapse of the Slovenian government, a snap election will possibly take place in April. The Constitutional Court, however, had declared the electoral law partly unconstitutional. Could that throw the very constitutionality of the snap election into question? Continue reading >>
19 October 2019

The Law Can’t Always Fix It

On 14 October, the Venice Commission released an opinion on the scope of the power of the President of Albania to set the dates of elections. In Albania, the President is facing impeachment due to his postponement of the local elections, and the Albanian Assembly’s Speaker requested the Venice Commission to issue its opinion on the President’s actions. While the Commission was clear in its legal conclusions, the reactions of the Albanian public to the report illustrate that a reasoned legal opinion was not suited to calm the ongoing political battles in Albania. Continue reading >>
14 October 2019

Local Elections in Hungary: the Results in Context

On October 13, 2019 local elections were held in Hungary. Even though the opposition parties had to fight an uphill battle, they achieved significant success not only in Budapest, but also in other big cities. The aim of this article is to put the results in context in order to give a more accurate picture of the current Hungarian situation. Continue reading >>
11 September 2019

Norway’s Heureka Moment?

Norwegian elections are usually quite boring. While the government changes between different parties, the party structure has been remarkably stable for more than 80 years. And for decades, constitutional lawyers have been denied juicy electoral scandals. The electoral system runs smoothly without major hiccups. Monday’s local election brought at last a glimmer of excitement for Norwegian constitutional lawyers. Not only did a newly-formed protest movement shake up the traditional party landscape. It also came to light that Norway's public broadcaster attempted to manipulate students in the non-official school election. Continue reading >>
01 June 2019

Lies in Politics

On Boris Johnson, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer and other active or passive issues of constitutional truthfulness. Continue reading >>