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17 November 2022

Picking Primacy over Procedural Autonomy

On 8 November, the Grand Chamber of the Court of Justice of the European Union (‘the Court’) decided that national courts are required to ascertain of their own motion whether detention of an illegally staying foreign national or asylum seeker is lawful. This judgment is an example of the ever-growing impact of EU law on national procedural rules, especially in the migration law area. The judgment is also noteworthy because of the difference in approach between, on the one hand, the Court and, on the other hand, the Dutch referring courts and AG Richard de la Tour. Continue reading >>
27 October 2022

Einheitliche Auslegung und Vorrang des Unionsrechts im Dialog der Gerichte

Die Frage nach einheitlicher Auslegung und Vorrang des Unionsrechts wirft eine Grundsatzfrage nach der Zuordnung und der Verteilung justizieller Macht im Rahmen der europäischen Integrationsgemeinschaft auf. Aus Sicht der unionsrechtlichen Praxis erscheint die nun mit neuer Vehemenz einsetzende Diskussion jedoch aus der Zeit gefallen. Es bedarf eines gewandelten Verständnisses der überkommenen Staatlichkeit um angemessen auf die aktuellen Herausforderungen zu reagieren. Continue reading >>
07 January 2022

Goat, Cabbage and Wolf

According to a flurry of recent news, snowballed in almost identical form in the Western press, the Romanian Constitutional Court has ruled, just before Christmas, to deny the primacy of EU law. More often than not, analogies with Poland were made, glossing on surface similarities. The juxtaposition is misleading. As the late János Kornai put it, simply because we [i.e., countries in the hinterland, ces pays là-bas] are in the same hospital, that does not mean we suffer from the same sicknesses.

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17 November 2021

A Tale of Primacy, part III

The third act, but not the end, of the ongoing „game of Courts” between the Romanian Constitutional Court and the European Court of Justice came on 9 November 2021, with a letter by the Romanian Constitutional Court to assist the acting minister of justice with a reply to the EU Commission's concern about primacy of EU law. I will not comment again on the arguments, already developed by the Constitutional Court in its decision, but I will try to emphasize, through relevant quotes, the disregard of the rule of law requirements stated in the CJEU judgment as well as the absence of the capacity of a true dialogue with the European Court. Continue reading >>
21 July 2021

Das letzte Wort ist ein entflogener Spatz

Etwas mehr als ein Jahr ist es her seit das Bundesverfassungsgericht die Rechtfertigung des Europäischen Gerichtshofs für das Ankaufsprogramm der Europäische Zentralbank für Staatsanleihen als "nicht mehr nachvollziehbar und daher objektiv willkürlich" verworfen hat. Ob das EZB-Urteil letztendlich richtig oder falsch war, ist dabei eine müßige Frage. Es werden wahrscheinlich beide Seiten an ihrer Sichtweise festhalten. Deshalb ist interessanter, wie sich dieser Widerspruch rechtlich auflösen lässt. Drei Wege sind dafür denkbar. Continue reading >>
02 June 2021

A Tale of Primacy

In its 18 May ruling Asociația „Forumul Judecătorilor din România”, the ECJ took a solid stance on the primacy of EU law by recognizing the binding nature of the Cooperation and Verification Mechanism established by the European Commission with respect to Romania in 2007. The judgment is a genuine guide to national courts on applying the primacy of EU law, especially as regards controversial issues such as the judicial independence and rule of law. Continue reading >>