28 November 2019
Supporting Wojciech Sadurski in a Warsaw Courtroom
Last week one of us, together with Gráinne de Burca, again put the spotlight on PiS and allies suing Wojciech Sadurski over some highly critical tweets. It led to a tremendous show of support. This support makes it a statement of the obvious that Sadurski’s trial is a blemish on the EU and every Member States that both so frequently pledge to take the rule of law seriously. And yet. His (first) trial took place yesterday, Wednesday 27 November, at the Warsaw district court. Here is an account of what we both witnessed, live and through live footage respectively. Continue reading >>
18 November 2019
Stand with Wojciech Sadurski: his freedom of expression is (y)ours
Just days before the trial against Wojciech Sadurski in Warsaw, we write to seek renewal of your support, and for your help in keeping the PiS strategy of coordinated legal harassment against him, and the threat of a criminal conviction and an award of damages against him as well as hefty legal fees, in the public eye. The party believes that it can ride out the storm, and that by ignoring the protests they will eventually disappear. But they will not. Continue reading >>06 May 2019
Open Letter in Support of Professor Wojciech Sadurski
A call for an end to the repressive use of litigation by the Polish government and its supporters to punish freedom of speech. Continue reading >>20 February 2019
Tracking Anti-Values MEPs: EP Seat Projections and Rule of Law Protection
On 18 February the European Parliament published its first projections for the EP2019-2024 seat allocation. The framing of ‘bad guys on the rise, but likely to remain on the fringes’ is tempting and dominant but it is deeply misleading. Continue reading >>