Verfassungsblog for Libraries

Verfassungsblog publishes analyses by scholars on current topics in constitutional law and policy. Founded in 2009 as a “blog” by Max Steinbeis, about 3,000 experts from around the world have now published, discussed, and shared their research with their colleagues and the general public on Verfassungsblog. Each of the approximately 800 texts that Verfassungsblog publishes each year undergoes at least one internal review by the 4-member editorial team. If necessary, this is supplemented by an external review by one or more of the Associate Editors, who have particular expertise in individual areas of public and constitutional law. There are no access barriers: Texts are published Diamond OA – i.e., without fees to readers or scholars – under a CC-BY-SA license, although authors may also choose a more open or stricter license. The copyright of the contributions remains, of course, with the authors. Verfassungsblog’s publications also maintain a high standard of technical quality as they provide metadata, have DOIs and are archived. Verfassungsblog is a non-profit organization and transparent in its costs.

Facts & Figures

2.1 million visits have been counted to Verfassungsblog in 2023. Two thirds of readers access the blog from Germany and one third from abroad. Every year, Verfassungsblog records almost 3 million clicks, not counting interactions on social media.

3,000 authors have published on Verfassungsblog so far. These are academics – from students to doctoral students to professors – or practitioners from the judiciary, journalism or politics from all over the world.

9 editors oversee the submissions. They are lawyers with a university degree. The editors are employed for an unlimited period and are paid according to German public service pay scale TV L-13. The editorial work includes (i) the acquisition of contributions, (ii) the review of and response to solicited and unsolicited submissions, and (iii) the substantive and formal editing of contributions in one to three loops with the author. The editorial team is supported by 20 associate editors who have special expertise in individual areas of public and constitutional law and help ensure the academic quality of the publications.

800 articles are published every year on Verfassungsblog. The articles cover legislative proposals/amendments, court decisions, and debates in public law (especially constitutional law) and related disciplines. Verfassungsblog is not solely focused on German law, but also on the emerging common European constitutional space and beyond, which means that many contributions deal with detailed analyses of legal debates in France, Hungary, India or Kenya and include authors from all over the world.

Metadata, Discoverability, Open Source