12 May 2021
Webinar Series: Power and the COVID-19 Pandemic
Marking the conclusion of the "Power and the COVID-19 Pandemic" Symposium, this webinar series brings together contributors from around the world to discuss the impact of the pandemic on law and governance, drawing on five transversal themes: human rights; democracy; the rule of law; science and decision-making; and the impact of an extended emergency. Continue reading >>
22 February 2021
Power and the COVID-19 Pandemic – Introduction & List of Contributions
One year on how has the COVID-19 pandemic affected the law, and the way states govern? Should we be concerned about the ongoing use of emergency powers? How can we look forward to what lies ahead? Convened by Joelle Grogan, this Symposium is hosted by the Verfassungsblog and supported by Democracy Reporting International and the Horizon-2020 RECONNECT project. Continue reading >>
26 May 2020
Lockdown Fatigue: Pandemic from the Perspective of Nudge Theory
Some governments have responded to the COVID-19 pandemic by developing policies based on ideas from behavioural psychology, especially ‘nudge theory’. But the pandemic has highlighted two important failings of ‘nudging’ – its libertarian opposition to state intervention; and its lack of any theory of psychological interiority. Continue reading >>
13 May 2020
Is there a space for federalism in times of emergency?
In many legal cultures, federalism is the real “F word”. It stands for inequality, privileges, inefficiency. For many, there seems to be an inherent contradiction between the obvious requirement of a coordinated line of command in case of emergency and a pluralistic territorial structure. A closer look at the comparative practice shows a different picture. Has federalism really been an obstacle to effective decision-making? Or rather the opposite? Continue reading >>16 April 2020
COVID-19 and Disposable Migrant Workers
Picture this: The world is battling a pandemic, with many countries in lockdown and borders closed. You arrive at a regional airport in northern Romania and wait for hours in the parking lot to board a charter flight. You might end up in Baden-Baden, Berlin or Düsseldorf—it’s hard to know, since no one is telling you what the final destination is. Physical distancing seems not to apply. You are jammed together with 2000 other people waiting to be placed as seasonal workers in the fields of Germany. Asparagus needs to be picked and the new crop need to be planted so the Germans can enjoy uninterrupted production of the spring vegetable through 2020 and 2021. Continue reading >>13 April 2020
Staatliche Krisenreaktionen und die unteilbare Umwelt für den Grundrechtsgebrauch
Sich in einer Pandemielage gegen Beschränkungen zu entscheiden, erscheint grundrechtlich unverdächtig. Doch wäre es das tatsächlich? Im Folgenden werden zwei unterschiedliche Szenarien einer solchen Entscheidung vorgestellt und es wird ein näherer Blick auf die Folgen für den individuellen Grundrechtsgebrauch geworfen. Es zeigen sich Grundrechtsfragen, die im Ergebnis auch für die Beurteilung des beschränkenden Staates aufgeworfen sind. Continue reading >>10 April 2020
Corona and the Absence of a Real Constitutional Debate in Sweden
Despite the horrors of the Corona disease, and indeed in order to combat it efficiently as a society, Sweden requires a robust and healthy constitutional and democratic debate. Corona is a human disaster and the suffering it spreads has yet to be accounted for. It is also an unprecedented challenge to our political and constitutional institutions and our almost nonexistent public discourse. Continue reading >>26 March 2020
Gesundheitsnot kennt Datenschutzgebot
Die Bekämpfung der Ausbreitung des Corona-Virus soll die Gesundheit der Menschen schützen. Muss gegen den Schutz von Leben und Gesundheit jeder andere Schutzzweck zurückstehen, auch der Datenschutz? Die Antwort im Rechtsstaat lautet: nein. Denn die Aussage „Not kennt kein Gebot“ ist freiheitsfeindlich und hat in der rechtsstaatlichen Demokratie keinen Platz. Es gilt der Primat des Rechts einschließlich des Datenschutzrechts. Continue reading >>22 March 2020
Rauswurf aus der Zweitwohnung
Im Kampf gegen die Corona-Pandemie hat der Landkreis Aurich die Nutzung von Zweitwohnungen untersagt und alle Nutzer zur Rückreise aufgefordert. Gibt es dafür eine Rechtsgrundlage? Nicht nur ist das höchst zweifelhaft. Auch mit der Verhältnismäßigkeit sieht es düster aus. Continue reading >>22 March 2020