Maximilian Steinbeis is the founder and chief editor of Verfassungsblog. (Foto: Maurice Weiß/Ostkreuz)

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Evin Dalkilic is the head of publishing at Verfassungsblog and project leader of the “Offener Zugang zum Öffentlichen Recht” (OZOR) project funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). (Foto: Maurice Weiß/Ostkreuz)

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Maxim Bönnemann is head of editing at Verfassungsblog. Maxim is qualified for the German bar and holds a PhD from Humboldt University of Berlin.

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Anja Bossow is an editor at Verfassungsblog. She is a JSD Candidate at New York University School of Law.

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Friedrich Zillessen is a senior editor at Verfassungsblog and a research assistant for the Thuringia Project. He studied law and political science at Leipzig University.

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Moritz Schramm is an editor at Verfassungsblog, a legal trainee (Referendar) at the Higher Regional Court of Berlin, and an associated researcher at Humboldt-University of Berlin.

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Robert Brockhaus is an editor at Verfassungsblog and an attorney at KM8 Lawyers Berlin. He holds a PhD from European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder).

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Eva Maria Bredler is an editor at Verfassungsblog and a PhD candidate at the University of Münster. She studied law in Hamburg and Paris and did research at the University of Oxford.

Louise Lehmann is an editor at Verfassungsblog and currently a legal trainee (Referendarin) at the Higher Regional Court of Berlin. She studied law in Potsdam and Utrecht.

Jakob Gašperin Wischhoff is an editor at Verfassungsblog and a researcher at the Project FOCUS – promoting fundamentals of the EU Charter in Society, funded by the EU. He holds a PhD from Humboldt University of Berlin.

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Isabella Risini is a senior editor at Verfassungsblog, her focus is on the blog symposia. She holds a doctorate from Ruhr-University, Bochum and an LL.M. from Chicago-Kent College of Law. She is a professor at Technical University Georg Agricola in Bochum.

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Elena Di Rosa is responsible for Community and Library Outreach. She studied Library and Information Science at Humboldt University of Berlin.

The Thuringia Project

Hannah Katinka Beck  is a research assistant for the Thuringia Project at Verfassungsblog. She studied global politics and anthropology in Malmö and Leipzig.

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Marie Müller-Elmau is research assistant for the Thuringia Project at Verfassungsblog. She studied law and philosophy in Munich, Hong Kong and Berlin.

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Janos Richter is a research assistant for the Thuringia Project at Verfassungsblog. He studies law in Leipzig.

Klaas Müller is a research assistant for the Thuringia Project at Verfassungsblog. He has studied law and philosophy in Münster.

Juliana Talg is a research assistant for the Thuringia Project at Verfassungsblog. She studied law in Munich and Paris.

Jannik Jaschinski is a research assistant for the Thuringia Project at Verfassungsblog. He is a legal trainee (Referendar) at the Higher Regional Court of Berlin and studied law and economics in Heidelberg, Paris, and Santiago de Chile.

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Anna-Mira Brandau is a research assistant for the Thuringia Project at Verfassungsblog and a PhD candidate at the University of Erfurt.

Emma Bruhn is a communications manager for the Thuringia Project at Verfassungsblog. She studied law at Humboldt University of Berlin.

Etienne Hanelt is a research assistant for the Thuringia Project at Verfassungsblog. He graduated in political science from the Friedrich Schiller University Jena and is finishing his DPhil thesis on EU decision-making in the rule of law crisis at the University of Oxford. Etienne also works as a researcher on an ERC project at the Judicial Studies Institute of Masaryk University, Brno.

Vanessa Wintermantel is a research assistant for the Thuringia Project at Verfassungsblog. She holds an MA in International Relations and is completing her PhD in Political Theory at Humboldt University of Berlin.

Student Assistants

Paula Schmieta is an assistant editor at Verfassungsblog. She is a law student at Humboldt University of Berlin.

Jasper Nebel is an assistant editor at Verfassungsblog. After studying European Studies and European Law in Maastricht, he currently studies law at Humboldt University of Berlin.

Jakob Weickert is an assistant editor at Verfassungsblog and studies law at Humboldt University of Berlin. (Foto: Julia Berger)

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Ianthe Scheelhaase is an assistant editor at Verfassungsblog and studies law at Humboldt University of Berlin.

Sinem Degerli is an assistant editor at Verfassungsblog. She currently studies law at Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg.
Till Stadtbäumer is an assistant editor at Verfassungsblog. After studying European Law in Utrecht, he currently studies International Administration and Policy in Potsdam.


Luise Pelzer is chief financial officer at Verfassungsblog. She studied business, economics and programming at Humboldt University of Berlin.

Henry Wilke is HR & Operations Manager at Verfassungsblog. He studied Public Administration, Urban and Regional Planning, and Historical Urban Studies in Berlin.

Verena Vortisch is a project manager at Verfassungsblog. She studied literature and theatre studies in Berlin and holds a PhD from Technical University Berlin. (Foto: Damian Gorczany)

Margarita Iov is a team assistant at Verfassungsblog. She studied literature in Leipzig and Berlin.

Derya Kizilkaya supports the IT team and is responsible for website maintenance. She studied communication sciences in Lisbon.

Associate Editors

Samira Akbarian is a Research Associate at the Chair of Public Law and Legal Philosophy at the Goethe University of Frankfurt/Main.

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Hannah Birkenkötter is an Assistant Professor at the Law Department of the Instituto Technológico Autónomo de México (ITAM). (Foto: Maurice Weiß/Ostkreuz)

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Jonas Bornemann is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Centre de Droit Comparé, Européen et International at Université de Lausanne as well as a Postdoctoral Researcher at the HES-SO Valais-Wallis and Fellow of nccr – on the move.

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Jacob Eisler is Associate Professor of Public Law at Southampton Law School.

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Tobias Gafus is an Attorney-at-Law in Berlin and pursues a PhD project at the Free University of Berlin.

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Liz Hicks is a Lecturer at Melbourne Law School, where she researches public law and the environment.

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Jannika Jahn is a Senior Research Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law in Heidelberg.

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Anmol Jain is a Fox International Fellow at Melbourne Law School and an Associate Editor at Verfassungsblog. He holds law degrees from Yale Law School and National Law University, Jodhpur.

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Sven Jürgensen is a Senior Research Assistant at the Chair of Public Law, Constitutional Theory and Interdisciplinary Legal Studies at the Ruhr University of Bochum.

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Anna-Katharina König is a Research Assistant at the Chair of Public Law, Migration Law and Human Rights at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg. She is complementing her PhD on urban inequality in constitutional law.

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Dr. Romy Klimke is a post-doctoral research associate at the chair of Professor Tietje at Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg.

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Tobias Mast is a Research Program Leader at the Leibniz Institute for Media Research in Hamburg.

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Jud Mathews is a Professor of Law at Penn State Law and an Affiliate Professor in Penn State’s School of International Relations.

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Christian Neumeier is a Senior Research Assistant at the Chair of Public Law and Financial Law at the Humboldt University of Berlin. (Photo: Jenna Dallwitz)

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Raphael Oidtmann is a Parliamentary and Legal Advisor at the State Parliament of Hesse, a PhD Candidate at Goethe University Frankfurt, and Adjunct Lecturer at Mannheim Law School.

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Luke Dimitrios Spieker is a Senior Research Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law in Heidelberg.

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Erik Tuchtfeld is a Research Fellow at the Max Planck Institute of Comparative Public Law and International Law in Heidelberg.

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Zuzana Vikarská is an Assistant Professor in Constitutional Law and Human Rights at the Masaryk University in Brno, a Tutor in EU Law at the Palacký University in Olomouc, and a Post-doc at iCourts at the University of Copenhagen. She is the Principal Investigator of a three-year project on preliminary rulings in Czech and Slovak cases.

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Ruth Weber is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the DFG Graduate Program “Dynamic Integration” at Humboldt University of Berlin.

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Joyce De Coninck is an FWO post-doctoral fellow at Ghent University and an adjunct professor at NYU School of Law working on relational human rights responsibility.

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