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10 September 2017

Reconciling Religion: Lessons Learned from the Triple Talaq Case for Comparative Constitutional Governance

The recent case of Shayara Bano v Union of India heard before the Supreme Court of India provide helpful guidance for how a secular democratic regime with a multiplicity of religious, ethnic, and cultural communities can manage constitutional governance with an increasing number of seemingly irreconcilable tensions. Pluralist societies such as Canada and the United States grapple with a variety of delicate balancing acts: in such instance, the need to reconcile accommodation for religious and cultural minorities with the protection of gender rights on the other. Continue reading >>
24 August 2017

How not to Divorce Muslim Women in India

The Supreme Court of India has declared the Muslim practice of men divorcing their wife by repeating the word "talaq" three times unconstitutional. Continue reading >>
16 August 2017

Reviewing the recent Ban on Ritual Slaughter in Flanders

Flanders has adopted a ban of religious slaughter without stunning, following the Walloon region that had done the same earlier this year. In analysing the Flemish decree, three critical remarks need to be made in putting the new law into the right legal perspective. Continue reading >>
06 July 2017

Justitias Dresscode: Wie das BVerfG Neutralität mit „Normalität“ verwechselt

Am Dienstagmorgen hat die Erste Kammer des Zweiten Senats einer hessischen Rechtsreferendarin einstweiligen Rechtsschutz gegen ein pauschales Kopftuchverbot verwehrt, das Beamt*innen nach § 45 HBG auferlegt wird. Diese Norm soll auch auf Referendar*innen Anwendung finden. Die Referendarin darf nun keine gerichtliche Sitzungsleitung und keine Sitzungsvertretung für die Staatsanwaltschaft übernehmen. Zudem muss sie aus dem Publikum den Verhandlungen beiwohnen, während ihre Mitreferendar*innen neben der* Richter*in auf der Bank sitzen dürfen. Selten wurden Ausschlusspraktiken räumlich so deutlich gemacht. Continue reading >>
01 June 2017

Triple Talaq before the Indian Supreme Court

The Supreme Court of India has to decide a case that has captured India’s political, constitutional and social imagination – a challenge to the constitutional validity of triple talaq, a practice that allows a Muslim man to divorce his wife unilaterally simply by uttering the word “talaq” thrice. Continue reading >>
22 May 2017

Afghanistan’s Constitution between Sharia Law and International Human Rights

Afghanistan’s 2004 constitution is a compromise between liberal internationalists, local clerics and warlords. Apostasy cases are the constitution’s litmus test. Continue reading >>
21 March 2017

Protection with Hesitation: on the recent CJEU Decisions on Religious Headscarves at Work

The CJEU's Achbita and Bougnaoui decisions on workplace bans of Islamic headscarves are disappointing as they are not providing enough guidance to the national courts concerning the criteria that they need to take into consideration in their attempts to find a balance between the rights in conflict. The judgments do not provide any criteria for the admissibility of dress codes other than that they should be neutral and objectively justified. Even those terms though are not analysed by the court in a sufficient manner. Continue reading >>
17 March 2017

The CJEU’s headscarf decisions: Melloni behind the veil?

On 14 March 2017, the Grand Chamber of the Court of Justice (CJEU) handed down two landmark judgments on the Islamic headscarf at work. The twin decisions, Achbita and Bougnaoui, were eagerly awaited, not only because of the importance and delicacy of the legal issues the cases raised, but also because the Advocates General had reached different conclusions on those issues in their Opinions. Continue reading >>
02 March 2017

Wilders vs. the Dutch Constitution: Constitutional Protection against Discriminatory Policies

Geert Wilders' Freedom Party stands a fair chance of becoming the largest party after the elections next week. His political programme is blurry at best, but parts of it - such as a ban of the Quran - are clearly unconstitutional. Will the constitutional system in the Netherlands be robust enough to withstand this challenge? Continue reading >>
12 January 2017

Der Burkini als Technological Fix

Während in ersten öffentlichen Bädern in Deutschland und der Schweiz Burkinis verboten worden sind, befand der Europäische Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte am 10. Januar 2017, dass der Burkini ein Mittel sein kann, die Teilnahme muslimischer Kinder am koedukativen Schwimmunterricht zu ermöglichen. Der schonende Interessenausgleich, der so erreicht werden konnte, war nur durch diesen Schwimmanzug, der den Charakter eines technischen Konfliktlösungsmittels annimmt, denkbar. Solche technological fixes, die praktische Konkordanz zulassen, stehen auch in anderen Fällen zur Verfügung. Continue reading >>
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