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Beyond Doom and Gloom
What can we do now? Civil Constitutional Protection!
Continue reading >>Revenge in the Big Village
The EC’s 2024 Rule of Law report is yet another indicator of the deterioration of constitutional standards in Slovakia. Next to outlining selected key developments of Slovakia’s illiberalization in 2024, this post underscores how the small jurisdiction’s size in combination with its relatively isolated doctrinal legal academia could hamper the development of robust democratic constitutional discourse and thus legal academics’ contribution to democracy.
Continue reading >>Fast-track Democratic Backsliding in Slovakia
Over the past ten months, the Fico IV government in Slovakia has intensified its assault on democratic principles, revealing deep vulnerabilities in our legal system. This article examines the government’s four key strategies to consolidate power and weaken civil society: undermining judicial independence, expediting the legislative process, attacking civil society organizations, and exerting political control over independent institutions, particularly the public broadcaster RTVS.
Continue reading >>Kein EU-Geld für Thüringen?
In Deutschland wird die Regierungsbeteiligung einer rechtsextremen Partei zumindest auf Landesebene ein immer realistischeres Szenario. In so einem Fall könnte die EU mit fast allen ihren Instrumenten auch gegen die autoritäre Regierung eines Bundeslandes vorgehen – selbst wenn sich die Bundesregierung weiter an EU-Recht hielte. Das Zurückhalten von EU-Fördergeldern wäre das effektivste Mittel der EU, um die Rechtstaatlichkeit auf regionaler Ebene zu schützen.
Continue reading >>From Zero to Hero
Poland, once a country with one of the highest numbers of Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation (SLAPPs), might now be an example of how to deal with them. With third sector actors experienced in helping SLAPP victims and a willing Minister of Justice, Poland may have found the recipe for success. With Poland set to take over the EU Presidency, the effective implementation of the Anti-SLAPP Dircetive could transform the country into a model of progress after years of shamefully using abusive proceedings to suppress freedom of expression among government critics.
Continue reading >>Datenschutz gegen digitalen Autoritarismus
Die Datenmacht des Staates stellt für Bürger*innen und ihre Rechte im heutigen Zeitalter eine zentrale Gefahr dar. Unabhängige Datenschutzbehörden sollen Missbräuche dieser Datenmacht verhindern. Autoritäre Kräfte, die nach den anstehenden Landtagswahlen auch in deutschen Landesregierungen beteiligt sein könnten, könnten allerdings versuchen, diese Kontrolle zu neutralisieren.
Continue reading >>The Sleeping Beauty Has Awoken
In June 2024, the International Humanitarian Fact-Finding Commission (IHFFC) announced that it had been mandated to investigate an incident in the Gaza-Israel conflict. Often dubbed “the Sleeping Beauty”, the IHFFC conducted its first investigation in 2017, twenty-six years after its establishment in 1991. Despite being sidelined for almost three decades, the IHFFC has the potential to reinvent itself as a crucial tool for monitoring compliance with international humanitarian law.
Continue reading >>The Price of Equality
Israel’s long-standing debate over ultra-Orthodox Yeshiva students conscription has reached a critical juncture in June 2024. The Israeli Supreme Court not only declared the absence of a legal basis for a broad and overall exemption for Yeshiva students but also introduced a remedy that I claim might be controversial: the suspension of state funding for Yeshivas whose students are subject to conscription but refuse to comply with it. This marks a significant shift in the Court’s approach to enforcing equality in military service and the rule of law.
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