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24 October 2020

A Dubious Judgment by a Dubious Court

On 22 October 2020 Poland’s Constitutional Tribunal, dominated by judges appointed under the procedure introduced by the ruling right-wing populist PiS party, has determined that abortion due to foetal defects is unconstitutional, rejecting the most common of the few legal grounds for pregnancy termination. This ruling is very controversial and caused civil disquiet and protests. Continue reading >>
19 August 2020

Abortion in Times of Disinformation

It should have been as straightforward as that. A ten-year-old is raped and now is pregnant. According to Brazilian law, she has the right to terminate her pregnancy at will. However, the girl from our tale yet again has her most fundamental rights violated. Continue reading >>
14 October 2019

Trumps Supreme Court und der Schwanger­schafts­abbruch

Mit der Ernennung des umstrittenen Richters Kavanaugh hat US-Präsident Trump am US Supreme Court eine dauerhafte konservative Mehrheit installiert. Anfang Oktober hat der Supreme Court den Fall June Medical v. Gee zur Entscheidung angenommen. Der Fall aus Louisiana könnte mitten im Wahljahr eine Kehrtwende in der Rechtsprechung des Supreme Courts zu Schwangerschaftsabbrüchen einleiten. Continue reading >>
05 July 2019

Overruling Roe v. Wade?

Following President Trump’s appointment of Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh the question has arisen as to whether, in the coming years, the U.S. Supreme Court will overrule its seminal judgment in Roe v. Wade. Roe established a woman’s fundamental right to choose to have an abortion before the viability of the fetus. The question of Roe’s destiny appears more pressing today than ever before because reversing the case has formed part of President Trump’s successful political platform. Continue reading >>
18 May 2019

What to expect when you’re not expecting- Abortion backlash in the US and constitutional standards

Roe v Wade- the US Supreme Court Case that has been on everyone’s lips since the appointment of Justice Brett Kavanaugh, if not since the assumption of presidency by Donald Trump. The case from 1973 is known for having established the right to an abortion and is now the center of legal and political debate around the reproductive health of those, who are able to get pregnant. The debate is being fueled by a number of states passing so-called heartbeat bills and other restrictive legislation, whereas Alabama has not only joined in on the trend but has introduced the harshest bill yet, criminalizing abortion altogether. In light of these current events, the following takes a look at the constitutional development of the right to terminate a pregnancy and its implications for current laws. Continue reading >>
03 September 2018

My Body, the Majority’s Choice? A Comparative Overview of Abortion Laws in Ireland and Argentina

Both Argentina and Ireland have tried to move forward in the fight for the decriminalization of abortion. In Argentina, even though the approval in the Chamber of Deputies represented a very important step, the Senate majority followed the religious standards and rejected the bill. In Ireland, the referendum resulted in a victory for women. The next step is to enact the new law and, of equal importance, to create all the practical conditions to implement the new rules. Continue reading >>
16 March 2018

Alles verfassungs­widrig? Wie das BVerfG beim Werbeverbot für Abtreibung zum Rosinen­picken einlädt

Der Straftatbestand des Werbeverbots für Schwangerschaftsabbrüche (§ 219a StGB) sorgt für Unruhe. Grüne und Die Linke fordern die Streichung der Vorschrift. Die SPD, eigentlich auf ihrer Seite, erklärte unter heftiger Kritik vieler Mitglieder am Dienstag, einen entsprechenden Gesetzentwurf nicht in den Bundestag einzubringen. Der Grund: Die Union, die den Straftatbestand beibehalten will, hatte für den Fall seiner Abschaffung mit einem Gang zum Bundesverfassungsgericht gedroht. Ein kurioser Streit, in dem alle Seiten mit dem Argument der Verfassungswidrigkeit um sich werfen. Wer hat das Grundgesetz tatsächlich auf seiner Seite? Continue reading >>
08 February 2018

Ireland’s 8th Amendment: Repeal or Retain?

2018 marks the 35th anniversary of the passage of Ireland’s ‘8th Amendment’ which effectively constitutionalises the exceptionally restrictive Irish law on abortion. It may also quite possibly mark its demise. Continue reading >>
23 April 2017

No Compromises on Reproductive Rights – Why Ireland Needs Constitutional Change

On April 22, the Irish Citizens Assembly has in an overwhelming majority confirmed the need for change in Irish abortion laws. According to the majority of members of the assembly, the 8th amendment of the Irish Constitution, that de facto imposes a constitutional ban on abortion in most scenarios, needs to be amended or replaced. What constitutional change is needed? Continue reading >>
27 November 2015

Auschwitzvergleich als Beleidigung: EGMR schlägt sich auf Seite der Meinungsfreiheit

Vergleicht man den ärztlich assistierten Schwangerschaftsabbruch mit dem Holocaust, verletzt man das allgemeine Persönlichkeitsrecht des namentlich benannten, ausführenden Mediziners. Zieht man zwischen NS-Regime und Abtreibung jedoch lediglich eine Parallele, scheint dies noch von der Meinungsfreiheit umfasst zu sein. Zumindest könnte man so das gestern veröffentlichte Urteil des EGMR in der Rechtssache Annen vs. Germany verstehen. Continue reading >>