04 May 2022
Das Ende von Roe v. Wade
Das Magazin Politico hat einen geleakten Entscheidungsentwurf des Supreme Courts veröffentlicht, der die Abkehr vom geltenden Recht auf Abtreibungen in den USA bedeuten würde. Der mit einer konservativen Mehrheit besetzte Supreme Court würde damit die Wahlversprechen Donald Trumps und die Hoffnungen einer großen Anzahl an Republikaner*innen umsetzen und Bundesstaaten die Möglichkeit geben, Abtreibungen komplett zu verbieten. Continue reading >>
17 November 2021
Towards Gilead
Just over one year ago, the Constitutional Court (CC) of Poland banned abortion in cases of fetal malformations. The implications of the ruling are much more far-reaching than the actual abortion ban itself since the ruling, by its reasoning, gave green light for further actions limiting abortion laws. While women all over Poland are afraid to get pregnant, the ruling party and fundamentalist organizations take further legislative action to increase punishment for abortion. Step by step Poland is beginning to resemble Gilead Republic, the infamous patriarchal theocracy from Margaret Atwood's novel "The Handmaid's Tale". Continue reading >>
10 January 2021
Muss der Staat die künstliche Fortpflanzung verbieten?
Das deutsche Fortpflanzungsmedizinrecht befindet sich in einem geradezu erbärmlichen Zustand: Das aus dem Jahr 1990 stammende Embryonenschutzgesetz (ESchG) ist – auch im Hinblick auf den medizinischen Fortschritt – veraltet, als Strafgesetz von repressivem Charakter und in Teilen verfassungsrechtlich nicht haltbar. Politik und Gesetzgeber weigern sich beharrlich, dem dringenden Desiderat nach einem modernen, dem Stand der Medizin angemessenen Fortpflanzungsmedizingesetz Rechnung zu tragen. Continue reading >>09 November 2020
Divine Decision-Making
The most recent abortion decision of 22 October 2020 of Poland’s Constitutional Court (“the Court”) did not come as a surprise. It is not, as some commentators would like to see, an aberration, a departure from previous liberal and human rights-based standards by a group of judges linked to the Law and Justice party. Rather, it is a consequence of the right-wing constitutionalism that has dominated the Court for years. This discourse that introduced religious dogma as the basis for legal reasoning is undemocratic and exclusionary. It presents religious worldviews as textual consequences of the constitution without taking into account the voice of citizens. The persistence of this type of constitutionalism can be demonstrated on example of a number of cases important for the public sphere in Poland. Continue reading >>
08 February 2018
Ireland’s 8th Amendment: Repeal or Retain?
2018 marks the 35th anniversary of the passage of Ireland’s ‘8th Amendment’ which effectively constitutionalises the exceptionally restrictive Irish law on abortion. It may also quite possibly mark its demise. Continue reading >>