Weniger Spielraum als behauptet
Im Januar 2025 versuchte die CDU/CSU-Fraktion mit Stimmen der AfD, FDP und BSW, ihr sogenanntes „Zustrombegrenzungsgesetz“ zu beschließen. Der Gesetzentwurf sah unter anderem vor, den Familiennachzug zu subsidiär Schutzberechtigten vollständig und unbefristet auszusetzen. Zwar scheiterte das Vorhaben, doch nun planen CDU/CSU und SPD laut Sondierungspapier den Familiennachzug zu subsidiär Schutzberechtigten befristet auszusetzen. Wer eine erneute Aussetzung als rechtlich haltbare und politisch sinnvolle Maßnahme darstellt, verkennt die tatsächliche Lage der Betroffenen und ignoriert, dass Visa ohnehin regelmäßig nach § 22 Satz 1 AufenthG zu erteilen wären.
Continue reading >>From the EU-Belarus Border to Strasbourg
On 12 February 2025 the ECtHR considered for the first time the interpretation of the Convention in the context of so-called ‘migrant instrumentalisation’ or ‘hybrid attacks’, allegedly orchestrated by the Belarusian regime after the EU imposed sanctions on Minsk. This contribution critically reviews the key arguments of the respondent governments with respect to the interpretation of Art. 3 ECHR and Art. 4 Prot. 4 ECHR and considers the relationship between the two in the particular context.
Continue reading >>The Claim of Hybrid Attacks
At the European Union’s external borders, migrants are being instrumentalized in geopolitical conflicts, as seen in cases before the European Court of Human Rights concerning pushbacks at the EU-Belarus border. Poland, Latvia, and Lithuania justify these measures as responses to a “hybrid war,” while critics warn against eroding non-refoulement protections. The Court’s ruling will be crucial in defining the balance between state security and human rights.
Continue reading >>Voraussetzungen des Vertrauens im Auslieferungsrecht
Die Auslieferung von Maja T. nach Ungarn im Juni 2024 hat erhebliche verfassungsrechtliche Bedenken aufgeworfen. Das Bundesverfassungsgericht hat in seinem Urteil vom 24. Januar 2025 das Kammergericht nun für seine Entscheidung und die unzureichende Prüfung der Haftbedingungen in Ungarn kritisiert. Das Urteil betont die Pflicht der Gerichte, Zusicherungen im Auslieferungsverfahren nicht ungeprüft zu akzeptieren und stärkt die Position von Personen in Auslieferungsverfahren.
Continue reading >>Feeble Recognition of a Systematic Pushback Practice
In A.R.E. v. Greece and G.R.J. v. Greece, jointly published at the beginning of 2025, the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) finally acknowledged Greece’s long-standing systematic practice of violently pushing people back at its land and sea borders. While this is already remarkable, both rulings stand out for the Court’s thorough evidentiary analysis and new standards for proving pushbacks. However, the ECtHR failed to fully incorporate the context of a systematic practice, instead maintaining a high threshold for evidencing individual instances of pushbacks.
Continue reading >>TikTok’s last dance
“On January 19, we still have President Biden, and on January 19, as I understand it, we shut down.” With these words—foreshadowing the final ban of the TikTok app in the United States—Noel Francisco, legal representative of ByteDance, the Chinese parent company, addressed the U.S. Supreme Court during oral arguments on January 10, 2025. One week later, the Supreme Court issued its ruling: TikTok’s appeal was dismissed. The court’s reasoning merits examination, while the implications remain uncertain, particularly as a Trump executive order temporarily blocks the ban’s enforcement.
Continue reading >>One Year After Wałęsa v. Poland
Despite some progress, the Polish government faces immense political and structural hurdles in implementing ECtHR judgments concenring the rule of law. Because November 2025 marks one year since the ECtHR issued the pilot judgment in Wałęsa v. Poland, it is a good moment to reflect on the progress made by the current authorities in implementing ECtHR judgments. This post delves into the steps taken, the obstacles ahead, and the question of whether a coherent plan exists to navigate this legal and constitutional crisis.
Continue reading >>Transnational-wehrhafte Demokratie
Am 13.11.2024 hat eine Gruppe aus 113 Abgeordneten des Deutschen Bundestags einen Antrag auf die Initiierung eines Parteiverbotsverfahrens gegenüber der „Alternative für Deutschland“ eingebracht. Die bisherige Debatte konzentriert sich schwerpunktmäßig auf die Voraussetzungen und Erfolgsaussichten eines (Teil-)Verbots der Partei aus grundgesetzlicher Perspektive. Dabei droht die nationale Brille den Blick auf die transnationalen Interlegalitäten zu verzerren und dem Stand der europäischen Integration nicht gerecht zu werden.
Continue reading >>The Visible and The Invisible of Justice in Strasbourg
Former ECtHR Vice-President Prof. Dr. Angelika Nußberger and current ECtHR Judge Dr. Kateřina Šimáčková discuss judges’ responsibility to provide relief to applicants. Focal points are recent procedural reforms affecting access to justice, the extensive yet often overlooked judicial work that does not result in published decisions, the persistent challenge of achieving gender balance on the bench, and their own personal legacies.
Continue reading >>Stiefmütterliche Behandlung
Mit dem Ampel-Aus ist die dringend erwartete Reform des Abstammungsrechts für Zwei-Mütter-Familien in weite Ferne gerückt. Geplant war, nach der „Ehe für alle“ auch ein „Abstammungsrecht für alle“ zu schaffen, und insbesondere eine automatische Mit-Mutterschaft einzuführen. Eine aktuelle Entscheidung des EGMR in dem Fall R.F. und andere gegen Deutschland hätte neuen Schwung in die Sache bringen können. Stattdessen hat der EGMR viel zu spät und am eigentlichen Problem vorbei entschieden.
Continue reading >>Silent Prayer vs Safe Access
In line with a broader trend, all three jurisdictions in the United Kingdom now have Safe Access Zones legislation that creates a protective area around premises where abortion services are provided. Specified behaviours are criminalised within these protective areas, with silent prayer being a common challenge. I argue that the UK Safe Access Zones legislation demonstrates a cautious approach that protects a pregnant person’s right to access lawful abortion services in conditions of dignity and privacy.
Continue reading >>Two Courts, Two Visions
The diverging standards of protection concerning the right to a fair trial, as interpreted by the CJEU and the ECtHR, remain a critical obstacle to the EU’s renewed attempt at accession to the ECHR. In this field, the two Courts seem to be drifting further apart rather than converging, leading to unresolved conflicts between the standard of fundamental rights protection and mutual trust obligations in the EU. Except in the unlikely event of a course-correction by the CJEU, this means that we are no closer to accession today than we were ten years ago, when the now-infamous Opinion 2/13 was handed down.
Continue reading >>Sex Work Can’t Buy Human Rights
In a recent decision on the merits in M.A. and Others v. France, the ECtHR held that French legislation criminalizing the purchase of sexual acts did not violate the rights of 261 sex workers. The decision retreats into the Court’s traditional interpretative toolbox of European consensus and (procedural) margin of appreciation. I argue that the ECtHR decision does not only demonstrate blindness towards the rising sensitivity towards intersectional grounds of discrimination in human rights law but also contradicts recent proposals on “a human rights-based approach to sex work” promoted by several UN organs and the Council of Europe’s Commissioner for Human Rights.
Continue reading >>Prove Your Integrity or Resign
In May 2024, in the case of Bala, the ECtHR issued another decision concerning the vetting of the judiciary in Albania. This time, the Court decided that the state’s ban on a judicial advisor, who resigned instead of undergoing the integrity vetting process, from entering high public offices for fifteen years does not violate the ECHR. While the ECHR does not explicitly articulate the right to free choice of occupation or the right to equal access to public offices, this article demonstrates that even under these two rights, the limitation in question is likely proportionate. However, legislators would be wise to consider less intrusive options as well.
Continue reading >>Freedom to Discuss Religion Between Facts and Opinions
In a recent televised discussion in Turkey, two Youtube-influencers have discussed Sharia law and Muhammad’s marriage with Aisha. This has caused strong reactions on social media. Moreover, after a public statement of the Justice Minister, a criminal investigation has been initiated. I argue that such statements should enjoy the full protection of freedom of expression. However, I criticise the distinction between “statements of fact and value judgements” as introduced by the ECtHR in case E.S. v Austria.
Continue reading >>Globules or Life-Saving Treatment after all? On the Effect of Climate Lawsuits
In her response to the post by Bernhard Wegener, who criticizes climate lawsuits as ineffective globules, Manuela Niehaus illustrates the effect of climate lawsuits. She argues that not everything that tastes sweet is just ineffective homeopathy.
Continue reading >>The First Italian Climate Judgement and the Separation of Powers
On 26th February 2024, in its Giudizio Universale decision, the Tribunal of Rome penned the first Italian climate judgement. Shortly after, on 9 April 2024, the ECtHR handed down its seminal trio of KlimaSeniorinnen v. Switzerland, Duarte Agostinho v. Portugal and Others and Carême v. France. In this monumental string of cases, the ECtHR set the new standard for climate litigation in Europe, also regarding separation of powers. This invites a critical assessment of Giudizio Universale’s stance.
Continue reading >>Globuli oder lebensrettende Behandlung? Zur Wirkung von Klimaklagen
In der Replik auf den Beitrag von Bernhard Wegener, der Klimaklagen als wirkungslose Globuli kritisiert, zeigt Manuela Niehaus die Wirkungsmechanismen von Klimaklagen auf. Sie argumentiert, dass nicht alles, was zuckersüß schmeckt, nur wirkungslose Homöopathie ist.
Continue reading >>CILFIT in Strasbourg
On 19 February 2024, the European Court of Human Rights decided not to answer the Estonian Supreme Court’s request for an advisory opinion on the basis of Protocol 16 (P16). For the first time, it dismissed a request because it did not concern a question of principle concerning the interpretation and application of ECHR rights. The decision is significant because the ECtHR provides clear contours as to what types of questions courts should (not) ask.
Continue reading >>Avoiding the Legacy of Impunity
This week for the second time in history the Irish Government has announced its intention to lodge an Inter-State application against the United Kingdom before the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg. The Irish government argues that the Northern Ireland Troubles (Reconciliation and Legacy) Act 2023 which was enacted in September 2023 and provides an extensive conditional amnesty is incompatible with the European Convention on Human Rights.
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