12 August 2024

On the Basis of ‘Backwardness’

Following the reinstatement of a quota system that reserved 56% of vacancies in public service posts for former freedom fighters by the High Court of Bangladesh, students in Bangladesh have demanded reformation of the quota system.  On 21 July, the Supreme Court of Bangladesh overturned the decision by the High Court and ordered the government to limit the quota to 7%. It thereby eliminated the quota of 10%  previously reserved for women. This reflects a dangerously narrow conception of equality which could negatively impact Bangladesh’s use of special measures such as quotas to redress women’s subordinated status. Continue reading >>
11 August 2024

Jutta Limbach

Jutta Limbach is remembered as the first female president of the German Constitutional Court. In her career she served as Senator for Justice for the Government of West Berlin from 1989-1994 and prior to that as a Professor at the Free University of Berlin. But there is so much more to be said about a woman who for so many years was the face of Germany's highest court. This post has tried to focus on a period of her professional life that has not yet been very visible to the public. Continue reading >>
09 August 2024

Wartime Constitutionalism and the Politics of Constitutional Review in Ukraine

On 18 July 2024, Ukraine’s Constitutional Court issued a decision concerning the rights of the accused in criminal proceedings under martial law. The extension of detention, the Court ruled, can only be issued based on a reasoned court decision—this applies even in times of war. In this blogpost, we examine how the war has influenced the ways in which various actors engage with constitutional complaints, before discussing the Constitutional Court's recent decision on Article 615.6 of the Criminal Procedure Code. We argue that this ruling exemplifies how the Constitutional Court can maintain the relevance and practical significance of its decision-making in wartime. Continue reading >>

Non-Binary Gender Markers in Italy?

In July, the Italian Constitutional Court recognised the existence of non-binary people for the first time in Italian history. Although the decision as such is a big step for queer rights in Italy, the Court stops halfway. In contrast to the German “Dritte Option” decision, the Court does not set clear instructions or deadlines for the Parliament. Italy’s current far-right political climate likely means non-binary gender markers will not be introduced by the Italian Parliament anytime soon. Continue reading >>
08 August 2024

Family Values, Tradition, and Human Rights

Georgia is in the process of democratic backsliding. In short succession, a number of laws were passed that have raised alarm over the country’s commitment to democratic values, and its aptitude as future member of the European Union. The law under scrutiny in this contribution targets sexual minorities. Continue reading >>

Konfrontation, Kohabitation, Koalition

Die Parlamentswahlen in Frankreich 2024 haben bisher wenig Konstantes, sondern vor allem Unerwartetes hervorgebracht. Dieser Artikel versucht, das verfassungsrechtliche und politische Geflecht in einem Vierschritt zu entwirren: von der Konfrontationslage zur Kohabitation und Koalitionsbildung sowie zuletzt zu den Konsequenzen für die Europäische Union. Die französischen Parlamentswahlen haben das Land in ein verfassungsrechtliches Spannungsfeld geführt, das die politischen Akteure zwingt, Koalitionen neu zu erlernen, während dabei die europäische Stabilität durch die innerfranzösischen Machtkämpfe auf die Probe gestellt werden wird. Continue reading >>

Could Hungary be suspended from Schengen?

In early July, the Orbán government announced that it would extend a program that grants third country nationals simplified access and stay to work in Hungary to Russian and Belarussian nationals. This blog maps the ways in which Hungary’s policy might undermine the security of the Schengen area and surveys the tools Member States and EU institutions have at their disposal to counter it. Should the Hungarian government fail to dispel the concerns raised by its extension of the national card system, these mechanisms should be activated to safeguard the security of the Schengen area. Continue reading >>

Are Rights of Nature Working?

Legal initiatives recognizing the rights of nature have transformed from a trickle to a cascade. But are they really effective? A systematic study on the implementation of the Ecuadorian Los Cedros ruling, one of the most prominent decisions of this sort, shows that it has been notably effective in protecting the forest from mining threats. However, its impact on local community involvement has been limited, and the fate of Los Cedros and the case remain vulnerable. Continue reading >>
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(K)eine Frage der Gerechtigkeit

Wer weder „alt“ noch erwerbsgemindert ist und dennoch seinen Lebensunterhalt nicht aus eigenem Erwerbseinkommen oder Vermögen sichern kann, wird als arbeitsuchend eingestuft. Mit dieser Einstufung sind politische Grundannahmen verbunden, die sich im Existenzsicherungs-, aber auch im Einbürgerungsrecht und im Umgang mit Familienleistungen zeigen: Armut sei in erster Linie Armut an Erwerbsarbeit und Ausdruck einer freien Entscheidung zur Untätigkeit. Auch die als Teil der „Wachstumsinitivative“ angekündigten, zusätzlichen Verschärfungen im Bürgergeldrecht stellen sich damit als logische Fortsetzung einer einheitlichen politischen Linie dar. Continue reading >>
07 August 2024

Why Georgia’s Law on Transparency Violates the Constitution

Since the spring of 2024, the political landscape of Georgia has been experiencing turbulent times. The so-called law “On Transparency of Foreign Influence (“Law on Transparency”) has, for the second time, caused huge public tension. The “Law on Transparency” represents more than a mere legal issue; it symbolizes the country’s choice between totalitarianism and democracy.   Continue reading >>

Zwei- bis Drei-Klassen-Justiz in Österreich?

Seit der „Ibiza-Affäre“ vom Mai 2019 reißt die Kette an Skandalen in Österreich nicht ab. Zuletzt sorgte die Causa Pilnacek für Aufsehen. Der dazu nun veröffentlichte Kommissionsbericht attestiert Österreichs Justizsystem gravierende Mängel, insbesondere Korruption. In der europäischen Mehrebenenjustiz ist dies letztlich ein genuin europäisches Problem. Die zutage getretenen Schwächen sind damit nicht nur Schwächen der österreichischen Rechts- und Verfassungsordnung, sondern Herausforderungen für die europäische Rechtsstaatlichkeit insgesamt. Continue reading >>
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Breaking with Conservatism?

The Japanese Supreme Court has been described as “the most conservative constitutional court in the world”. And, though lower courts can sometimes be more active, the Japanese judiciary as a whole tends also to be referred to as conservative. However, recent developments challenge this view. In particular, Japanese courts have begun to issue rulings in favour of the rights of sexual and gender minorities on issues like same-sex marriage and gender recognition. Do these decisions suggest that the conservatism of the Japanese judiciary has been overstated – or are they signs of change? Continue reading >>
06 August 2024

A Setback for Homeless Rights in the United States

On June 28, 2024, the United States Supreme Court handed down its decision in City of Grants Pass v. Johnson (Grants Pass), its most significant case on homelessness in decades. The decision overturned the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeal’s 2018 decision in Martin v. Boise (Martin), which mandated that cities allow unhoused individuals to sleep in public spaces when shelter beds were not available. The decision fails to consider the root causes of homelessness in the United States and exacerbates the already fragmented regulatory landscape governing the vulnerable community of the unhoused. Continue reading >>

Making the Unacceptable Acceptable

Over the last days, England and Northern Ireland have witnessed a wave of racist violence and destruction. These riots, which have thrown the country into chaos, included attacks on mosques, burning of cars, and confrontations with the police. The racist nature of the events is made clear by the racist chants that are sung amid them, by posters shown by participants, and by the selective targeting of minorities. Given how shocking these scenes are, one naturally wonders what is causing them. Research suggests that elite rhetoric in recent months can have made these events more likely, by making far-right individuals feel that acting on their views is more acceptable. Continue reading >>

The Right to Defend Rights

On April 21, Narciso Beleño, a rural (campesino) leader and human rights defender who worked for the restitution of land and the sustainable exploitation of natural resources in Colombia, was murdered. Sadly, this is not an isolated case. 79% of the murders of human rights defenders occur in the Americas, with 47% in Colombia alone. Two recent judgments by the Constitutional Court of Colombia and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights have now addressed the phenomenon and gave legal life to the right to defend human rights. Continue reading >>
05 August 2024

Menschlich verständlich, aber trotzdem falsch?

War der Gefangenenaustausch mit Russland, mit der Band Kettcar gesprochen, „menschlich verständlich, aber trotzdem falsch?“ Ich meine: nein. Als eine – rechtlich nur grob vorstrukturierte – exekutive Maßnahme an der Schnittstelle von Innen- und Außenpolitik geht sie nicht in einer Subsumtion unter strafprozessuale Normen auf. Sie bedarf vor allem einer tragfähigen politischen Begründung und einer eindeutigen Markierung der politischen Verantwortlichkeiten. Beides war hier gewährleistet. Continue reading >>

Taming the Shrew

On May 30th, Iraq’s Court of Cassation (CC) issued an unprecedented decision invalidating a previous ruling by the country’s highest court in the land, the Federal Supreme Court (FSC). The CC’s judicial coup and self-aggrandizement rests on a flawed doctrinal foundation and runs counter to the judicial hierarchy set out by Iraq’s constitution. Continue reading >>
02 August 2024

On Recognition

The decades-long campaign for recognition of a Palestinian state on the 1967-occupied territory meets the international system, however flawed, where it is. Its selling point is simple: an independent Palestinian state is the most attainable way, if not the only way, to restore integrity and dignity to the Palestinian people while maintaining a minimum standard of order. Continue reading >>

Shades of Unconstitutionality

On July 12, the Grand National Assembly of Türkiye passed the 9th Package of Judicial Reforms. The package continues the tradition of amending various unrelated laws through a so-called omnibus law under the guise of reform. In addition, another feature has become remarkable: the alleged reforms deliberately overrule the decisions of the Turkish Constitutional Court (TCC), rendering its rulings null and void. Continue reading >>

Recht für rechts

SLAPP – dieses Kürzel steht für strategic lawsuits against public participation und befasst sich mit einem Phänomen, das sich steigender Beliebtheit erfreut: Klagen, die in erster Linie erhoben werden, um unliebsame Kritik zu unterdrücken. Insbesondere bei rechten Akteuren sind SLAPPs zuletzt immer beliebter geworden. Anfang des Jahres hat die EU eine Richtlinie gegen SLAPPs erlassen, die allerdings gerade gegen SLAPPs von rechts nicht viel ausrichten können wird. Continue reading >>

Wahlrechtsbonus für vergangene Verdienste?

In der „unangefochtenen Einsicht“, dass ein perfektes Wahlsystem nicht existiert, billigte das Bundesverfassungsgericht mit seinem Urteil vom 30. Juli 2024 das Herzstück der Wahlrechtsreform: die Zweitstimmendeckung. Wer die Entscheidung in Gänze liest, könnte gleichwohl den Eindruck gewinnen, das BVerfG schaffe mit der CSU als „seit Jahrzehnten staatstragend im Parlament befindlicher Partei“ ganz nebenbei ein neues Gut von Verfassungsrang. Erneut erreicht eine Wahlrechtsdiskussion in Deutschland damit ihren Endpunkt bei der CSU. Das wäre vermeidbar gewesen. Continue reading >>
01 August 2024

Unprecedented Fraud and New Momentum

Venezuela is entering a new, dangerous phase of its conflict. Though not fully verified, the opposition appears to have won the July 28 election by a landslide. Nicolás Maduro's government has likely committed unprecedented fraud, tampering with votes and withholding tallies. Massive protests have erupted nationwide, with the government rapidly increasing repression and surveillance. This challenges prospects for a democratic transition, requiring a skilled national and international response. Continue reading >>
31 July 2024

Relationalizing the EU’s Fundamental Rights Responsibility

Human rights law traditionally governs a three-part relationship which connects the individual, the state, and its territory. The design of the EU’s Integrated Border Management (IBM) governance model eschews the applicability and enforceability of international and European human (fundamental) rights law by significantly reconfiguring the relationship between each of these three prongs. This contribution maps how these three traditional triggers for the applicability of human rights law are increasingly evaded in EU IBM policies, the responses to these evasion techniques and how a relational turn in the determination of human rights responsibility may be inevitable.  Continue reading >>

Humanitarian Visas for International Protection Purposes

When feasible, third-country nationals request within EU Member States’ diplomatic or consular representations a visa on the basis of their need of international protection, in order to be granted legal access to the issuing State’s territory precisely to apply for international protection upon arrival. The focal point is whether States can be required to issue these visas in order to comply with their human rights obligations. This contribution demonstrates that the European Court of Human Rights holding that States do not hold any obligation in the context of humanitarian visa proceedings is unconvincing. Continue reading >>

Breaking Bad all’Italiana

The European Commission's 2024 Annual Rule of Law Report provides some analysis of Italy’s current political and judicial landscape under Meloni’s right wing rule. While the expectations towards the Report were low, the document must be read as a wakeup call, as Italy sets out to be the new Hungary. Continue reading >>

Zwischen Prinzipientreue und Pragmatismus

Mit seinem Urteil zur Wahlrechtsreform der Ampelkoalition vom 30. Juli 2024 hat das Bundesverfassungsgericht den Kern der Reform – die Zweitstimmendeckung – bestätigt, aber die Sperrklausel partiell beanstandet. Der Beitrag gibt einen ersten Überblick über die wesentlichen Erwägungen des Gerichts und ordnet sie kritisch in den wahlrechtlichen und politischen Kontext ein. Continue reading >>

Never Again to Us and/or to Anyone

There are few questions that have proven themselves more fruitless to pose than “What Are the Lessons of the Holocaust?” For very many Jews, and certainly for the Israeli state, the lesson, to be realized in law and policy, is “Never Again–to Us”. The more liberal or universalist lessons are a call for civil courage, democratic self-defense and early awareness of the possibility of dictatorship and mass murder, “Never Again–to Anyone. The tension between these two perspectives is found everywhere the matter is considered, even in Israel and even symbolically. Continue reading >>
30 July 2024

Bulgaria’s Constitutional Drama and the EU Commission’s Rose-Colored Glasses

On 26 July 2024, Bulgaria’s Constitutional Court declared a significant part of constitutional amendments enacted in December 2023 unconstitutional. These amendments were part of a rushed constitutional reform which was supposed to address persistent rule of law challenges in the country, such as the excessive powers of the Prosecutor’s Office and the politicization of the Supreme Judicial Council. The drama in Bulgaria raises concerns about why the EU Commission recognizes half-baked, ill-written constitutional reforms as progress without analysis of their substantive merit in context. Continue reading >>