Follow Me to Unregulated Waters!
In this article, I will demonstrate how some major platforms are failing to properly implement the Digital Service Act's (DSA) rules on notice and action mechanisms. In my view, many platforms are unduly nudging potential notice-senders to submit weak, largely unregulated Community Standards flags. At the same time, platforms are actively deterring users from submitting (strong) notices regulated under the DSA.
Continue reading >>The Digital Public Square meets the Digital Baton
The value a society and its laws place on protecting free speech is arguably most keenly felt where that speech takes a critical turn. Which is why the history of this field is littered with prosecutions and penalties being levied against problematic speech, inviting courts to draw the lines between what is protected and what is not. The past ten years in India demonstrate that when faced with speech that is critical of government policy or state action, the state has become increasingly hesitant to let it remain on air. What is perhaps most alarming for the health of democracy is that, in most cases, there is often a synergy across the three arms of the State that curbing problematic speech is the best course of action to follow.
Continue reading >>A Hidden Success
Following the EU General Court’s dismissal of the complaint of WS and other asylum seekers against Frontex in its ruling on September 6, 2023, scholarly commentary has largely expressed disappointment. However, a more optimistic way of reading the judgement is also possible. By declaring the lawsuit admissible, the court confirmed that factual misconduct by Frontex can be addressed with action for damages claims – and this in itself is a major step forward in the system of fundamental rights protection in the European Union.
Continue reading >>EU Privacy and Public-Private Collaboration
Core state functions, such as law enforcement, are increasingly delegated to private actors. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the development and use of security technologies. This public-private collaboration harbours detrimental consequences for fundamental rights and the rule of law; in particular, for the principle of legality. The policy outcomes which result from this collaboration are not democratically accountable, and allow human rights to be superseded by private, profit-driven interests.
Continue reading >>Caution: Safeguards may appear more robust than they are
At a time when the European security architecture is evolving, and when national lawmakers must pay greater attention to an evolving set of common standards and safeguards to prevent disproportionate government access to data, it is essential to shed critical light on their implementation in actual practice. As different as the EU PNR Directive and the German legal framework are, they both include provisions that seek to prevent disproportionate government access and to ensure effective and independent review of data collection and subsequent data processing.
Continue reading >>Action Recommended
The DSA will have a say in what measures social media platforms will have to implement with regard to the recommendation engines they deploy to curate people’s feeds and timelines. It is a departure from the previous narrow view of content moderation, and pays closer attention to risks stemming from the amplification of harmful content and the underlying design choices. But it is too early to celebrate.
Continue reading >>What can(’t) international criminal justice deliver for Ukraine?
One year ago, Russia began its full-scale invasion of Ukraine, committing an act of aggression in violation of the UN Charter. Many more incidents of international crimes followed, adding to an already large number of unaddressed crimes going back to 2014. While investigations are underway, the failures to pursue accountability for international crimes committed by Russia in the past still need to be addressed in this context.
Continue reading >>Shutting Down the Internet to Shut Down Criticism
In the aftermath of the devastating earthquakes which hit southwestern Turkey, internet connectivity had enabled civil society to provide additional on- and off-site assistance. However, the use of social media is not seen as innocent by Turkish authorities. Immediately after the earthquakes, authorities started to use legal instruments to silence the use of social media platforms even at the expense of utilizing its benefits during catastrophic times.
Continue reading >>Die Störerhaftung ist tot, lang lebe die Störerhaftung
In der rechtswissenschaftlichen Debatte melden sich erste Stimmen, die den Urteilen in den Verfahren YouTube II und Uploaded III entnehmen, dass der BGH die Störerhaftung für sämtliche Vermittlungsdienste abgeschafft habe. Mit anderen Worten könnten nun etwa auch Access Provider, Domain Registrare oder DNS-Dienste als Täter von Urheberrechtsverletzungen ihrer Nutzer haften. Diese Lesart der beiden Urteile zur Haftung von Sharing-Plattformen ist nicht nur rechtlich fernliegend, die Ausweitung der Haftung neutraler Diensteanbieter droht die Grundrechtseinschränkungen, die bereits an der Störerhaftung kritisiert wurden, zu potenzieren.
Continue reading >>Battling the hydra in EU anti-discrimination law
Can a company refuse to conclude or renew a contract with a self-employed person because he is gay? And may contractual freedom prevail over the prohibition of discrimination in such a situation? A short answer stemming from the recent ECJ judgment in J.K. v. TP would be a resounding no. Yet, a further analysis is in order because the judgment also brings a significant shift in the ECJ’s anti-discrimination case law.
Continue reading >>Internet collapse made in Europe
Nothing has changed since the last time there was a debate regarding the relationship between telecommunication providers and online content providers. Nevertheless, the European Commission is willing to take a massive gamble and entertain the possibility of regulation to oblige online services to pay their "fair share" towards increased bandwidth consumption. This regulatory shift could risk an Internet collapse in Europe.
Continue reading >>Geheimdienste im toten Winkel
Die Geschichte der bundesdeutschen Geheimdienste ist eine Geschichte der Skandale. In vielen Affären sind noch zahlreiche Fragen offen, was teils wilde Spekulationen und Mythen hervorruft. Umso wichtiger ist die Aufarbeitung durch Historiker*innen und Journalist*innen, die jedoch beim Zugang zu Originalakten immer wieder an die Grenzen des deutschen Informationszugangsrechts stoßen. Ein Urteil des Europäischen Gerichtshofs für Menschenrechte vom 8. November 2022 verdeutlicht den Reformbedarf.
Continue reading >>Nicht genug geärgert für immateriellen Schadensersatz
Die in Art. 82 Abs. 1 DSGVO vorgesehene Ersatzfähigkeit immaterieller Schäden aus DSGVO-Verletzungen sorgt vor den Gerichten der Mitgliedstaaten für beträchtliche Unsicherheiten, was sich in gegenwärtig neun Vorabentscheidungsersuchen an den EuGH zu dieser Thematik äußert. In dem am weitesten fortgeschritten Verfahren wurden am 06.10.2022 die Schlussanträge von General Generalanwalt Sánchez-Bordona veröffentlicht, die bedauerlich wenig zur Debatte beitragen, teils an der Sache vorbei argumentieren und den Gerichten schlicht keine praktikable Lösung zu den gestellten Vorlagefragen liefern.
Continue reading >>Why the DSA could save us from the rise of authoritarian regimes
The rise of extremist right-wing governments, as observed recently in Italy, is closely linked to the business models of large digital platforms such as Facebook and YouTube. Their algorithms polarise debates and stir up emotions because that enables them to keep people on their screens for longer and show them advertising. The European Union’s Digital Services Act is the framework to address this dangerous development.
Continue reading >>The DSA fails to reign in the most harmful digital platform businesses – but it is still useful
While the DSA has just been crafted carefully enough to avoid major damage to digital rights in the EU, it has focussed so much on who must delete what kind of content within which time frame, that it missed the bigger picture: no content moderation policy in the world will protect us from harmful online content as long as we do not address the dominant, yet incredibly damaging surveillance business model of most large tech firms.
Continue reading >>Ein „konstitutioneller Wumms“ für den Straßenbau
Ein Vorschlag aus FDP-Kreisen sorgt seit Anfang Oktober für verfassungsrechtliches Stirnrunzeln: Durch die Einführung eines neuen Staatsziels „Verkehrsinfrastruktur“ im Grundgesetz soll eine schnellere Umsetzung von Infrastrukturvorhaben ermöglicht werden. Bei näherer Betrachtung entpuppt sich die Idee bestenfalls als Symbolpolitik, tatsächlich aber wohl als Fördermaßnahme für klimaschädliche Verkehrsinfrastruktur.
Continue reading >>Regulating influence, timidly
The DSA considers advertising and recommender systems as deserving of regulatory attention, and not immutable facets of an online world. But even as the regulation furthers current standards in disclosures around online advertising, it insulates advertising business models and consolidates platform efforts to sidestep the operative question that characterizes online advertising: how and why advertisements reach who they reach, in less abstract terms.
Continue reading >>Between preservation and clarification
When assessing the liability rules in the DSA it is evident that the its emphasis has been on preservation of the E-Commerce Directive's rules. However, that does not mean that nothing at all has changed. In fact, a closer look reveals that in some respects a notable evolution has taken place.
Continue reading >>An Intersectional Lens on Online Gender Based Violence and the Digital Services Act
The EU’s Digital Services Act introduces novel mandatory due diligence obligations for online platforms to address potential societal risks posed by the provision of their services - including the risk of online gender based violence. If effectively